I'm not intending on going teetotal. But I definitely need to cut down massively. Stick to a schedule or a set of rules. One rule might be to only ever drink alcohol when I'm wtih friends in a pub. Never at home. That right there would be a substantial reduction, probably over 50%.
You can obviously do what you want, but imeo, you're kidding yourself, and saying the same things that practically every alcoholic has said that came before you, when faced with very real indicators that they are indeed an alcoholic. Alcohol is a toxin, and gets into every cell in your body. If a toxin was causing one harm, in addition to all the other benefits of quitting, it simply makes no sense to not quit. Entirely.
Maybe 1% of people in your situation could successfully cut back, but perhaps 1% of people could also drive a car around a bend with a cliff drop-off of 100m., at 100 mph, but we wouldn't say to the other 99%, go ahead and try it for yourself, because 1% can do it.
Plus, if that ends up being your chosen plan, and it doesn't work, your problem will almost certainly get worse. That "one drink that you planned to have" on Friday night, because you managed to go all week without a drink, wakes up your body, and then your brain starts to play games with you, saying things like, "Oh you can handle one more..., it
is Friday after all..., etc., and then Saturday morning, after 5 drinks, you wake up and beat yourself up worse than before, which can then lower your resolve even further. I know how addictions work.
Addictions are cunning like that. And some may even get to the point where, because their plan, that they were so confident would work, actually failed, they retreat more into themselves, and share less about their addiction, with the people around them. Which is always additional fuel for any addiction. It thrives in isolation.
I'm obviously completely against this idea, as from what I can tell from what you've shared, you're an alcoholic. I'd try to do everything in my power to just quit if I were you.