Compressor, Yay or Nay?

Anyone directly compare the 1176 thing the Origin Effects does versus the UA 1176 Pedal???
A colleague of mine, when I taught Music tech, always told me "if you feel you need compressor on your guitar, you clearly know nothing about guitar".

He said some crazy stuff.

I love having compressor on lower gain rock sounds, no matter what guitar I use, I love the hard attack.
With helix (stomp) I mostly just fiddled with sag and bias to manipulate the compression feeling of the amp. But I never had the patience or need to really explore all the compressor effects there.

I have an old Pigtronix Philosophershfers Tone pedal that I used when I played in a band. It worked great as an always on for clean rhythm playing (that was basically my role). When I messed around with it alone I often added more sustain for fun and also it had a fun “grit” knob that added distortion inside the circuit. It’s been on a shelf for many years now because it’s cool looking. I might try it again if I ever manage to put a small board together.

Personally I’m torn between the concept of using it as an effect or using it because it does something good or not using it all.
There are some good sales this weekend so just ordered the UAFX 1176 - I’m also a compressor newb but this one looks like it can be used a few different ways.
I use a Source Audio Atlas. It is digital, but it does a lot. I have it setup so my guitar goes into the Atlas, through all my drives, back into the Atlas in my HX Stomp. That gives me a choice of comps, an EQ (and an expander I dont really know how to use) and a noise gate before and after all of my drives. Another use of compression is that if you add it before your delay it can change how things sound.