It definitely requires being considerate of what rabbit holes you go down. Maybe you are better off if you give yourself some time limits on how long to work on something. I mean most of the time when we use real pedals, we turn it to something good enough and then just keep playing instead of trying to find that last %2 better tone from what we have.
I am also leery of giving anyone advice. Not qualified. Especially with someone like Met, who
is far more astute and accomplished than most of us.
But man, he sure like he needs it right now guys.
You may have ADD.
There’s something to be said for the ingenuity forced upon us by the limits of old school single purpose gear. As a dumb teenager I figured out how to make my MXR 117 Flanger cover chorus, phaser, and ring mod sounds because I needed it to. Turns out it created its own sound that hinted at those effects without sounding fake or over processed, which made me sound unique.Absolutely. I feel like the prevalence of options quickly leads to “this one might work a little better here…” rather than just going with what’s good enough.