Best clip-on tuner?


Rock Star
I picked up a Peterson Stroboclip HD from Thomann's sale earlier this year and I've liked it, but wonder if something better is out there.

Things I don't like about the Stroboclip is I fear the arm on it might be flimsy over time, and the buttons are pretty tiny to turn it on/off.

I'd like to get another tuner like this just to have around or carry with me where needed so I can leave the other one at home. I find them very convenient when you don't always have something with a tuner plugged in.

What's your favorite clip on tuner, and why?
As clip on tuners go the Peterson is very accurate compared to many out there .
I don’t use clip on tuners but if I did The Peterson would be first choice .
I’ve used there StroboStomp for years .👍
A friend of mine who gigs regularly in a excellent tribute band buys the cheap £8 clip on tuners from eBay and they do the job.
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Keep the StroboClip HD.

I Love It GIF
I just grabbed one of the new Crazy Little Thing tuners from Snark and I like it better than the D’Addario ones I have been using. Low profile, rechargeable (with a battery level meter) and so far it seem significantly better at reading the pitch on the lower strings. Ended up grabbing two more. I need to try it on my bass, as those little D’Addario tuners are useless for that.

I have a Peterson as well, but keep that on my Anderson with Buzz Feiten tuning.
I like the little D’Addario clip on tuners and I have a few that stay clipped to various guitars - it’s perfect for the Strandberg for instance - but the Peterson HD is my favorite.
Korg pitch clip 2 for cheap is unbeatable and I have checked it against my strobe.

Other than that I like the TC for the metal clip;

I think the uni is better than the poly for accuracy ( according to my strobe).
And the poly thing is a bs gimmick anyway.
None of the others I have tried are better than these and many cost more for no reason.
My no 1 is the TC uni.
The Peterson is poor build and a fake strobe anyway. The best tuner is the Turbo ST 300 or even the 200 but not clip on.
I already have a Turbo Tuner ST-300, but I'm not always plugged into that so I'd like to have some consistency.

The Stroboclip HD is so far very accurate and easy to use, but long term durability and battery life are concerns.
I have a Polytune clip on that always seems to be upside down and only bends/folds one way.
Have owned two Snarks in the past and would likely go that route rather than another Polytune clip on.

I dont feel either one out tuned the other...
I have a Polytune clip on that always seems to be upside down and only bends/folds one way.
Have owned two Snarks in the past and would likely go that route rather than another Polytune clip on.

I dont feel either one out tuned the other...
Snarks are not great at low notes and not very accurate against a strobe ime.
Ive never owned a strobe tuner.
Maybe the Snark isnt great(?) but its more user friendly than the Polytune and the tuning never bothered me to be honest.
Got the job done.
Have you ever tuned a guitar “ in tune “ with a tuner and your ears still say no? That’s a lot of tuners and if I test them against my Turbo it shows a discrepancy. The Turbo is one of the very few that sounds perfectly “ in “ to me.
It would be great if somebody made an all metal clip and articulated part connected to a high quality rechargeable tuner but there isn’t one really. Because you can get things like the Korg 👆🏻for £15 I doubt anyone will ever think it viable.