Bought a Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 last week, it arrived late Friday night. Hooked it up first thing Saturday morning and it won't connect - just gives me a "no hardware connected" error.
Jumped thru all the troubleshooting hoops on the Focusrite website (different cables, different ports, reboot, re-download drivers, put your left leg/left leg out...), none of which worked and all of which brought me to the "Contact Support" end game.
Contacted their Tech Support Saturday right before lunchtime. In the contact, I let them know all the things I'd tried.
They didn't reply until about 4am Monday, asking if I tried several of the things that I said I tried in the initial contact submission. Then, they asked for a System Report showing my Mac's extensions. I had that to them within an hour of getting the reply.
Here we are, over 3 days later and no response.
In my hours of Google-fu trying to find a workaround for the issue, I came across a number of people who have/had the same issue, and several of them who had been going back and forth with Focusrite's Tech Support for months - usually with maybe one reply by Focusrite every week or two - with no end in sight.
So, the 4i4 is going back and that's the end of that.
My Scarlet 2i2 has been bulletproof since I got it back in 2015 and still works like a charm. Bummer the 4i4 won't connect, but a bigger bummer Focusrite's customer service is so pathetic. The way companies assist/treat their customers is huge for me, so Focusrite is now a cautionary tale for how not to treat your customer.