Behringer Klone

Yeah I agree with you the Soul Food is a excellent pedal and can sound even better when modded 🤘
Why purchase a cheap and shitty EH pedal to have fucking modded? Spend a little extra on quality.
Its just another cheap, shitty, noisy EH offering.

It doesn't sound like a klone to me.
Not that I own a real one, but own a Mythical, Centura and a custom built one as well.

My buddy has purchased two Soul Food pedals, thinking the first one bought and then sold was a mistake? :crazy
All I have said is they are different and the real one has a dynamic feel that most clones lack. I prefer the real one. I would not pay the premium but I would probably get a Centura if I was buying a Klon. It’s a step closer than the others if you want a Klon but don’t want to pay the stupid money.
I sold off my Centura.
Sounded great, but I always seem to come back to my Rimrock Mythical OD.

I will say, there was an artifact in the sound that I didn't like and I couldn't "not hear"in the Centura. It was also a cut hair larger than my Mythical OD.
Plus, I like the fact that I can toggle between silicon and Ge on my Mythical.
A really cool Klone that doesn't get a lot of credit/press is the Tone Bakery Creme de la Creme.
They added a separate foot switch for the Gain knob. So you have the option to use just the "clean" part of it (Volume and Treble), then toggle the Gain knob on/off. It really adds a lot of versatility to this circuit.
A really cool Klone that doesn't get a lot of credit/press is the Tone Bakery Creme de la Creme.
They added a separate foot switch for the Gain knob. So you have the option to use just the "clean" part of it (Volume and Treble), then toggle the Gain knob on/off. It really adds a lot of versatility to this circuit.
Sounds fun - but please don't openly compare its sonic qualities to the OG unit, unless you want this thread to gain 10 more pages of passive-aggressive insults. 😂

Anyhow, "Klone with tweaks" is a pretty cool niche. Never tried a Tumnus Deluxe, but I'd guess the EQ comes in quite handy.
I remember the OG Creme Brullee (sp?) everyone was digging on GAB/GGF. It was a great pedal too. Never tried the Creme de la Creme but I bet it sounds great \m/
Sounds fun - but please don't openly compare its sonic qualities to the OG unit, unless you want this thread to gain 10 more pages of passive-aggressive insults. 😂

Anyhow, "Klone with tweaks" is a pretty cool niche. Never tried a Tumnus Deluxe, but I'd guess the EQ comes in quite handy.
I'm going to go ahead and say it's better than the original just to add some more pages to the thread.

That's right. Not the same as the Klon. BETTER. For $149 shipped.

I'll check back in 4hrs.
Guess I'll order a NUX Horseman when I'm back home in January. Just because I can. But even more so because I'm clueless.
Nice pedal, spotted at jam sessions a few times in the past (when I still went jammin') and thought it sounded legit. A no-brainer price tag, too. 👌
So you’re sure the differences that you (think you) can hear are down to the brand of components and that it’s definitely not the values being slightly different.

How do you know what pedals I have? I’ve got way too much gear in my studio, some of it boutique, some high end clones, some budget stuff. I’ve swapped a ton of parts around on different amps and pedals, a small change in value is more noticeable than changing like for like with brands. I have some gear with surface mount components that sound identical to the HW stuff.

I just don’t believe that you personally can hear a difference with brands of caps or resistors. And once it’s established that you can’t hear a difference then it becomes a “feel” thing.

Happy to do you a blind test of several klon builds, ranging from surface mount build, one with original diodes, and software versions. There’s no way you’re able to identify any of them ✌️
He can tell because you aren't giving an enthusiastic blow job to Bill Finnegan like Shawn Michaels did while heckling a person in the crowd.
