Behringer Klone

Cheap copies usually have no headroom in the voltage through the components and the specs are actually different even if the key one is the same . Try a higher voltage cap of the same value in your guitar tone and you will hear a difference. Physically larger caps of the same value sound different even if the voltage is not needed.

I actually do think there is a difference between real OG klons and a lot of the Klones though, including the KTR.

For one thing Klons are a lot noisier than most Klones but there is a difference in the mids with a real klon that only some of the Klones actually match. Most of the Klones I've heard are a bit thin sounding and the gain is often wrong because they've used germanium diodes with a very different forward voltage curve than the originals.

There are things you can do to fix the difference in the mids and it involves the tone stack.
The man himself in a shootout between two KTRs and the Klon Centaur #001, personally I agree with a comment that he went too heavy on the Relic of the carpet!

I always feel a bit sorry for Bill. He should have been rolling in money but clearly has no actual head for business. He had 15 years to rinse the Klon before the Klones started but he just kept making them one by one by hand on an "old card table" at home.

After he discontinued the original klon he spent so long faffing about with different builders for the ktr that he left a vacuum for the Kloners to fill. He should have had an external company keep making them in the original cases and he'd have been minted. Why would you buy a Klone if you could buy an original at a decent price.

Absolutely do a smaller version as well as the original for people who don't want the huge one but it's entirely his own fault there's so many Klones about.
I actually do think there is a difference between real OG klons and a lot of the Klones though, including the KTR.

For one thing Klons are a lot noisier than most Klones but there is a difference in the mids with a real klon that only some of the Klones actually match. Most of the Klones I've heard are a bit thin sounding and the gain is often wrong because they've used germanium diodes with a very different forward voltage curve than the originals.

There are things you can do to fix the difference in the mids and it involves the tone stack.
All I have said is they are different and the real one has a dynamic feel that most clones lack. I prefer the real one. I would not pay the premium but I would probably get a Centura if I was buying a Klon. It’s a step closer than the others if you want a Klon but don’t want to pay the stupid money.
Because of some magic elusive quality that no one else can imitate? I mean, to conclusively prove anything, one would need several real klons to see if they all have the same elusive magic quality that nothing else can get.

If you want to believe in that, fair enough. But it’s a load of meaningless old bollocks. Same goes for vintage amps vs modern ones, I’ve had them side by side and it’s all a wash.

I’d even say the same for old valves vs new ones, and old sm57’s vs new ones. They all vary. 2 vintage ones can sound just as different as 2 modern ones. It’s nice to think the old and rare ones are extra special, and they are in their way. But it’s 99% in our heads.
I actually don’t disagree with you .
All I have said is they are different and the real one has a dynamic feel that most clones lack. I prefer the real one. I would not pay the premium but I would probably get a Centura if I was buying a Klon. It’s a step closer than the others if you want a Klon but don’t want to pay the stupid money.

I like the centura but prefer building my own. I don't own a klon but do have access to one. It took a few goes to build one that the owner of the original couldn't distinguish from his own.
I like the centura but prefer building my own. I don't own a klon but do have access to one. It took a few goes to build one that the owner of the original couldn't distinguish from his own.

This is the way to go! Would you mind telling what diodes did you use? All this reading about it made me want to build one.
Oh no I must be Doomed 🤪 I have plastic and metal Behringer pedals 😳😂


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This is the way to go! Would you mind telling what diodes did you use? All this reading about it made me want to build one.

I've used different germaniums depending on how they measure. Their model number isn't particularly helpful tbh. Currently I'm working through a stash of Russian D9Bs. About 50% of them measure in the correct range and the others have too high a forward voltage.

As a basic measurement your looking for about 0.35v forward voltage drop when measured at a test current of 5ma.

Most people test their diode stash using their DMM but most DMMs use a current of about 0.5 to 1ma to test diodes. If you do find some which measure 0.35v at 1ma then their voltage drop at 5ma will be much higher and the pedal won't clip like an original.

TLDR grab some Russian D9Bs (their curve is similar to the OG Klon diodes) and look for approx 0.23v to 0.27 forward voltage drop when checked with your multimeter. It'll get you in the right ballpark.
The case is sand cast aluminium on a real one not that it matters. You remember when you had one 🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡.

Guess what: I never even thought about what it was made of back then. I was just playing with the thing. I know, that's a concept likely escaping you.
Guess what: I never even thought about what it was made of back then. I was just playing with the thing. I know, that's a concept likely escaping you.
I’m a full time tech so I think about both if that’s not too complicated for you.