It always surprises me how sound difference between powertubes is perceived, especially when it comes to EL84.
While I myself am at a point where powertubes aren’t even in the consideration when choosing a (power)amp…all the same to me.
ATM I go back and forth between el34, 84, 6l6 and 6v6 with digital units into them…and I don’t experience any relevant differences.
Note, I don’t chug, always use within headroom, and last actual A/B test was a couple years back. I still own a combo that can switch between el84 and 6v6..same conclusion there.
I love that poweramp..recently sold mine cause use of rack is not practical for me…but it’s a sexy poweramp.
It does have a low cut build in, which you can get rid of by the “deep mod”, which is cutting 2 caps..a diy with the help of google. (After draining caps so you don’t get electrocuted

) You get more low end, at the expensive of headroom.