If you are using this product and love it ... thats awesome ... more power to you.
I'm not a user of this product but have extensively spent time with full-NAM .. comparing it to my Tonex which I
was using up until 3 months ago.
This is a discussion forum.
These are my thoughts re: a
[possible] "pedal" as someone above mentioned, they'd like to see one.
The thought of A.A releasing a hardware unit-player ...
and I have no idea if the will or wont ... fills me with "substantial concern".
I.m.h.o ..... their "very sub-par" track record with support and FW for the AA3, AA6 and AA12 .... was/is self-evident .....full of promises of updates being just around the corner that never materialized.
My very first thought when I saw this s/w product announced was that a hardware pedal will follow ..... as such ......I specifically asked Tom
in this thread here 2 weeks ago specifically about "the old hardware line".