Arrived! NAD: Friedman Pink Taco V2


Over the last few months I've been trying to decide on a new Marshall-esque amp for Madison Square Basement.
I've gone 'round the houses considering all the options and driven myself a bit nuts in the process. I know that I want tubes and Marshall-flavoured tones in something reasonably sized and simple. I'm aiming for DLR-era Van Halen tones with the option of turning the gain down and playing some Thin Lizzy - that kinda zone.

Actual real Marshalls are laughably priced in North America except for the "studio" line, but even those are pushing it. I finally got to play the little JCM800 and it was cool, but it didn't blow me away or anything. I'd like something more versatile as well. The little Plexi sounds great on paper, but it's frankly unusable for playing at home volumes. Thirty seconds plugged into one confirmed that for me. I wish Marshall had just installed a PPIMV from the factory. Yeah, I could use my attenuator or pay to have a PPIMV installed, but that's more money added to something that's overpriced in Canada from the get-go. Plus I don't think an attenuator squishing that down to 85-90ish db is going to sound right anyway. :idk
I also tried a couple 5150s last year (both the Iconic 80-watt head and the 50-watt 5150III), but they aren't really my thing. I liked the Channel 1 crunch mode of the Iconic the most, because it was the least-compressed sounding, but it still wasn't quite what I'm after.

After trying those other amps the obvious choice is Friedman. I really dig the sounds of the BE-100 but can't justify spending that much money on something like that. Plus it's fuckin huge and I only have a 1x12 cab. :roflIt's a big-sounding Barefaced Reformer cab, but would still look ridiculous with a full-size head on top. The Smallbox is intriguing, but it's also quite expensive and frankly overkill for my needs. Ditto for the BE-50.

Enter the new Pink Taco V2. It's got a really wide range of tones and a (presumably) good master volume. I like that it has that Friedman flavour but with some vintage Marshall bite added back in. And yeah I know there are folks here that are allergic to EL84s, but this thing ticks all of my boxes otherwise. I've never owned a big-iron EL34 amp in my life anyway, so maybe in this case ignorance is bliss. :grin On paper the PT was practically made for me and I'm loving the sounds on Pete Thorn's demo. I've probably watched that and @BigHairyGuitars's demo about 50 times since they were released.

The only way for me to try this amp is by ordering one, so I've done exactly that. It's coming from the other end of the country but I'll update this thread once it arrives!
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At basement / home volumes and low power with tasty custom transformers, the EL84 vs EL34 arguments that we sometimes see around here really shouldn't matter. It's the circuit around the power tubes that matters. Here's hoping anyway! 🙏

I'm looking forward to seeing a write-up of the PT V2 vs your AMP1 Mercury.
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woooooo GIF
Congrats! I'd love to try a Friedman something or other some time :satan

I tried a Runt (I think) into a 2x12 cab a few weeks ago at Sweetwater. First Friedman amp that I gave a spin.

They are deserving of the love.

ETA: I also tried the PRS HDRX 20 head into the same cab, and dialed in a lower-gain tone (of course) on it that I was able to match on the Friedman. Seriously impressed with the HDRX as well, but it ain’t gonna be as versatile and do the gain thing the Friedman will.
I was all set to go the Pink Taco V2 way, but ended up going the Synergy route. While completely happy with my choice, I look forward to hearing how it works for you!
The Synergy stuff is so compelling as well! The Metroplex module really tickles my fancy in addition to the 800 and BE units. Would love to try that stuff too.
The Eagle Has Landed! (yesterday). :banana
I'm terrible for self-editing, but I'll try to bullet-point some initial thoughts:

- It’s really cute, but it doesn’t look small on my cab (Barefaced Reformer 1x12). It’s pretty much the perfect size. Nice solid weight as well, but not too heavy.

- First thing I did was put the Structure switch on the lowest-gain setting and it sounds a lot (to me) like a straight-up plexi. It’s not a perfect match but it’s close enough for me. Just what I was looking for - a solid Marshall sound with some more options and it’s definitely nailed that. Way more up my alley compared to the 5150s I tried.

- The other Structure settings do what you expect. S switch down sounds like the middle but with more gain in the sweep, but S switch up sounds like a different voicing with yet more gain. S Switch up and gain on 6 is instant Van Halen. :satan

- I haven’t even tried my SD-1 into the front yet, but it’s funny: the Sat switch drops the volume a little bit and adds some gain / tweaks the EQ.
The middle Structure setting plus Sat switch happens to sound nearly dead-on to my SD-1 into the Amp1’s Vintage mode. Bizarre.

- People aren’t kidding when they say the amp is bright - this thing can slice your head off if you’re not careful. After a while I turned the treble down to 3-4 and it’s much more comfortable. Using a single Neo Creamback. It’s still a little poky sitting right infront of the cabinet in my usual position, but it sounds awesome when I’m not in the beam. Probably sounds more balanced through a 4x12. :p

- The Fat switch is really effective. With Gain past 5 it’s way too fat for my guitar, so I basically won’t be using it unless I want to coax a clean sound out of the amp. Haven't tried yet.

- The effects loop seems really good! I plugged a DD3 in as well as my regular reverb and didn’t notice any change in sound. (y)

- The Master volume seems good. It's really touchy at minimal settings (obviously), but it doesn't sound bad or wrong, either.
I believe the claim that Dave voices his amps at low volumes, because this sounds awesome even at mouse fart levels.


This amp is probably still overkill for low-volume home use, but it's really fun to play. The low end is thick and ballsy even at living room levels. Might fall apart at band volumes, but I don't have a band so it's moot for me... :idk

Curious to try it with the Ironman Mini Attenuator and see if pushing the Master sounds any better than without. I know Fletcher-Munson etc etc, but still worth a try.
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The Eagle Has Landed! (yesterday). :banana
I'm terrible for self-editing, but I'll try to bullet-point some initial thoughts:

- It’s really cute, but it doesn’t look small on my cab (Barefaced Reformer 1x12). It’s pretty much the perfect size. Nice solid weight as well, but not too heavy.

- First thing I did was put the Structure switch on the lowest-gain setting and it sounds a lot (to me) like a straight-up plexi. It’s not a perfect match but it’s close enough for me. Just what I was looking for - a solid Marshall sound with some more options and it’s definitely nailed that. Way more up my alley compared to the 5150s I tried.

- The other Structure settings do what you expect. S switch down sounds like the middle but with more gain in the sweep, but S switch up sounds like a different voicing with yet more gain. S Switch up and gain on 6 is instant Van Halen. :satan

- I haven’t even tried my SD-1 into the front yet, but it’s funny: the Sat switch drops the volume a little bit and adds some gain / tweaks the EQ.
The middle Structure setting plus Sat switch happens to sound nearly dead-on to my SD-1 into the Amp1’s Vintage mode. Bizarre.

- People aren’t kidding when they say the amp is bright - this thing can slice your head off if you’re not careful. After a while I turned the treble down to 3-4 and it’s much more comfortable. Using a single Neo Creamback. It’s still a little poky sitting right infront of the cabinet in my usual position, but it sounds awesome when I’m not in the beam. Probably sounds more balanced through a 4x12. :p

- The Fat switch is really effective. With Gain past 5 it’s way too fat for my guitar, so I basically won’t be using it unless I want to coax a clean sound out of the amp. Haven't tried yet.

- The effects loop seems really good! I plugged a DD3 in as well as my regular reverb and didn’t notice any change in sound. (y)

- The Master volume seems good. It's really touchy at minimal settings (obviously), but it doesn't sound bad or wrong, either.
I believe the claim that Dave voices his amps at low volumes, because this sounds awesome even at mouse fart levels.


This amp is probably still overkill for low-volume home use, but it's really fun to play. The low end is thick and ballsy even at living room levels. Might fall apart at band volumes, but I don't have a band so it's moot for me... :idk

Curious to try it with the Ironman Mini Attenuator and see if pushing the Master sounds any better than without. I know Fletcher-Munson etc etc, but still worth a try.

That’s awesome. Every demo I’ve seen of this sounds killer. I love that bit of polish Dave adds to these classic tones. I’d be super curious to see how hard it goes slamming it with an OD, though it seems to get nasty enough with the sat switches.
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Quick update: The attenuator sounds good but not any better than just using the amp as-is.
The Ironman Mini does shave off some high end, I found. Not enough to sound weird, but going back to just amp + cab is noticeably brighter.
One thing I have to give up to Dave is what he does to the Master Volume on Friedman amps. Nailed it! :chef

I am happy for you. NAD is a blessing! Hope you dig each for a long, long time. :beer
Update #2:

I compared the Amp1 Mercury to the Friedman using my usual setup. SD-1 into the Vintage mode on the Amp1.
By pushing bass on the Amp1 and reducing treble, the actual tone character is very similar. So close that last night I thought "do I even need this?"

But trying the same experiment again today confirms that the main difference is Class D power vs toobs / proper transformers.
The Friedman is basically the same tones but bigger and ballsier. More visceral in general. The custom transformers Dave used do make it sound and feel like a bigger amp. The Amp1 can be made to sound fat with lots of low end, but it's a different kind of low end. The Friedman is big and thumpy with more muscle than the Class D when comparing the two. To be fair though, the SD-1 is cutting a bunch of bass out of the Amp1 to get the sound - which isn't needed with the Friedman. :idk

Experiments continue.... Here's a photo of the little rig. Ignore messy crap in background. :sofa

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Update #2:

I compared the Amp1 Mercury to the Friedman using my usual setup. SD-1 into the Vintage mode on the Amp1.
By pushing bass on the Amp1 and reducing treble, the actual tone character is very similar. So close that last night I thought "do I even need this?"

But trying the same experiment again today confirms that the main difference is Class D power vs toobs / proper transformers.
The Friedman is basically the same tones but bigger and ballsier. More visceral in general. The custom transformers Dave used do make it sound and feel like a bigger amp. The Amp1 can be made to sound fat with lots of low end, but it's a different kind of low end. The Friedman is big and thumpy with more muscle than the Class D when comparing the two. To be fair though, the SD-1 is cutting a bunch of bass out of the Amp1 to get the sound - which isn't needed with the Friedman. :idk

Experiments continue.... Here's a photo of the little rig. Ignore messy crap in background. :sofa

View attachment 9246

You clearly have no idea what "messy crap" actually looks like. :hmm

I was expecting empty cardboard boxes and several pairs of underwear. :LOL: