Anyone Heard From Achilles? Wasn't He Sick?

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It's cool. Came back here for some levity so let's keep the Debbie Downer shit to a minimum.

It's funny, but I've been seeing all sorts of pro medical types the past month and every single one of them is 100% cool
with not only me using as much weed, tinture, vape, etc. as needed but also that my wife has let me off the wagon.
After giving up booze for close to 6 years I'm now enjoying a couple of the 5%-6% alcohol tasty drinks each night.

My personal nurse, a big Filipino guy with a thick accent who calls me "Mr. Don" :LOL:, is really cool and is not only letting
me basically have whatever I want med wise (Hospice has there own pharmacy that delivers to my door! :oops:), but is
going to check into any ways of getting the recreational weeds stuff at some sort of bulk rate.

Hey @Orvillain , fly to the US and I'll give you the KSR for free. 100% serious! (gonna be a bitch to fly it home though :ROFLMAO:)
Now THAT would make for some cool pictures!
I had no idea you were Donnie B :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

Smoke as much weed as you can fill your lungs with!
Gear Forum, meet Rio, my personal nurse.

PSA of the day

Wanted to add a note here for anyone's possible future reference. I know it started with Kervorkian in Oregon but California has had a pretty robust EOLOA act on the books for years. End of Life Options act simple means you get a cocktail you mix at home and drink when YOU choose the time is right. You have to reach the 6 month to go deadline and then the request process is a bit anal to cover all the legal bases.

You find a willing doctor (because it's all within Sharp you can usually use your PCP) and make a formal request. Then you have a brief counsel to make sure you're head's on straight blah blah blah and then at least 48 hours after the first you make another formal request with a 2nd doctor that's been set up and standing by. It's all inter-connected within Sharp and it's been ridiculously easy on our end getting things done.

At that point you get a kit and as long as you can drink it under your own power it's all legal. One of the Hospice staff with be witness.
It's a very nicely buzzed fall asleep long before the Cancer can really sink it's fangs in pain wise.

My wife and both kids have been involved and are making their own arrangements based on what they're learning.
Big plus is that your COD is listed as your disease and not anything suicide or assist related.

If it's not against any personal tenets it's definitely something worth checking into with your state.

PSA of the day

Wanted to add a note here for anyone's possible future reference. I know it started with Kervorkian in Oregon but California has had a pretty robust EOLOA act on the books for years. End of Life Options act simple means you get a cocktail you mix at home and drink when YOU choose the time is right. You have to reach the 6 month to go deadline and then the request process is a bit anal to cover all the legal bases.

You find a willing doctor (because it's all within Sharp you can usually use your PCP) and make a formal request. Then you have a brief counsel to make sure you're head's on straight blah blah blah and then at least 48 hours after the first you make another formal request with a 2nd doctor that's been set up and standing by. It's all inter-connected within Sharp and it's been ridiculously easy on our end getting things done.

At that point you get a kit and as long as you can drink it under your own power it's all legal. One of the Hospice staff with be witness.
It's a very nicely buzzed fall asleep long before the Cancer can really sink it's fangs in pain wise.

My wife and both kids have been involved and are making their own arrangements based on what they're learning.
Big plus is that your COD is listed as your disease and not anything suicide or assist related.

If it's not against any personal tenets it's definitely something worth checking into with your state.


Freedom and liberty are Constitutional givens.... and in my opinion.... should also include the liberty to
choose your own way out. Blessings to you and your family on this journey, Donnie.
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