Anyone else getting sick of GAS?


New amps sound cool so I kinda want one.
Various modelers are cool so maybe I should try one or the other.

Fuck that. Man I used to be such a gearwhore, but I'm reaalllllly sick of all that these days. I'm so sick of debates about which modeler is best. I'm tired of debates about if amps are better than modelers. I'm tired of listening to the same riffs and licks from my favorite YouTube channels. I'm *insanely* tired of "please smash that subscribe and hit the bell icon".

Fuck. The current gear climate just seems soooo dammed annoying these days.

But I still get tempted to buy this or that amp (the current "what if" is hovering around the Mesa Marks). I also can't help but keep an eye on what is going on with top tier modeling (can I avoid buying a Gen IV Fractal unit?).

I'm so sick of GAS, but the good thing is I'm at least now recognizing it for what it is.

Sorry. This concludes the rant (whining?). Blame the wine (which may or may not have been combined with a painkiller or two).

P.S. love you fuckers. Merry Christmas!
New amps sound cool so I kinda want one.
Various modelers are cool so maybe I should try one or the other.

Fuck that. Man I used to be such a gearwhore, but I'm reaalllllly sick of all that these days. I'm so sick of debates about which modeler is best. I'm tired of debates about if amps are better than modelers. I'm tired of listening to the same riffs and licks from my favorite YouTube channels. I'm *insanely* tired of "please smash that subscribe and hit the bell icon".

Fuck. The current gear climate just seems soooo dammed annoying these days.

But I still get tempted to buy this or that amp (the current "what if" is hovering around the Mesa Marks). I also can't help but keep an eye on what is going on with top tier modeling (can I avoid buying a Gen IV Fractal unit?).

I'm so sick of GAS, but the good thing is I'm at least now recognizing it for what it is.

Sorry. This concludes the rant (whining?). Blame the wine (which may or may not have been combined with a painkiller or two).

P.S. love you fuckers. Merry Christmas!
Me 3 … this is why i have not bought a modeler in last year. I has the gt1000 and sold it.. sold my vg99.. and my katana. Still use my older stuff that sounds good to my ears. I have bought a few acoustics on a kick but even those i seem to think many lower priced yamahas are decent bang for the buck but i am tiring of the gas on acoustics too. Electric guitars i have enough for sure and noting really excites me much
Modeler wise i lean to fractal bit am a visual person do prefer the wc/ tmp/ hr gui interface which fractal so lacks in 2025
100%, especially in the current climate of all these wankers on YT with their stupid faces and content for contents sake.

I’ve been through absolutely tons of stuff and there’s only been 3 rigs I can think of that have actually been worth a damn. My old 5150 that I toured for years, my Blackstar Artisan and a few pedals that also went everywhere and my old Kemper that I did 100’s of wedding and function gigs with.

And you know what, they all sounded great, absolutely no point in flipping any of those.

But the real reason they were so good was because I spent a huge amount of time making and playing music with them instead of worrying about what would sound better.
What I´m sick of is realising that there isn´t a single unit that ticks all boxes for me.

Quad Cortex is extremely cramped (We´ve talked about this several times). Not saying this is a problem for everyone, but it surely is for me if I want to use it for gigs. At home, it wouldn´t be a problem... but in a gig I don´t want to have to worry about where I´m stomping. And no, adding a midi controller is not an option, becasue it kills the all-in-one concept, size, and simplicity.

Fractal is a no go for a couple reasons (no profiling, which is extremely useful for me because I like to alternate using my real amp for gigs near home, and a "clone" of it for fly gigs or rehearsals with somehting as similar to my amp as it gets... add to that the UI, which I´m sure it would be a problem in those (rare) cases when you need to tweak something in a few seconds). Also, the only one being a full all-in-one with all footswitches (FM9) is 2300€ in Europe. And it´s big and heavy. Sorry, but no.

Kemper is dated. It´s great, sure. But it´s been surpased in technology, UI, routing, and whatnot. Don´t want to spend so much money in something that is not giving me the best of nowadays tech. The form factor of the Stage is maybe the best for my tastes, though.

Boss, forget about it, I don´t like its amp models at all.

Line6. I had the Helix LT and sold it after a couple years, when I realizaed it sucked something to the guitar signal. Besides, it was really heavy and large. Add to that the lack of profiling... I can tell you that I clearly noticed the difference when I giged/rehearsed with the amp versus Helix mark models. I never had too much fun with Helix sims. I had muuuuuch more fun with Mooer profiles of my amp loaded into a GE250, for instance. It was clearly a much more similar experience to using the real amp. UI was fantastic (the best I´ve ever tried), though. And routing too. I had my acoustic and electric guitars processed together with just the LT. That was great and simple.

Headrush... sorry, but no. Their new profiling tech was a hope, but what I´m seeing in YT reviews is maybe the worse profiling of all out there.

Hotone is promising... but again, those cramped switches... And even when profiling seems to be of great quality, I still have some doubts about standardization of it (gain-wise, and comunity-wise). Also, it seems that effects and models are somehow hit and miss...

After all, even if I wanted to spend big money on a unit, there isn´t a perfect unit for me right now. Prices have gone crazy too.

On the other hand, it´s only keeping high my interest in new units. So it´s funny for me to keep reading forums, news, etc. Someday someone will come with a perfect multfx.

Now, I gig with a Nano Cortex, coupled with a Boss MS-3 and sometimes I add my compressor and OD pedals in MS-3 loops. Sometimes I even use the ones in the MS-3 instead, and it´s perfectly fine for live use. When used into the return of an SS amp with a good speaker, I can tell you I don´t feel too much of a difference than using my real amp. For me it´s a more than good interchangeable rig (real amp vs NC).
Fractal is a no go for a couple reasons (no profiling, which is extremely useful for me because I like to alternate using my real amp for gigs near home, and a "clone" of it for fly gigs or rehearsals with somehting as similar to my amp as it gets.

Are you seriously saying that due to the lack of a FAS profiling block you couldn't possibly dial in a guitar tone that's close to your personal amp tone with access to 300 amp models in the box, all the EQ tone shaping tools available and the option to use any IR on the planet?

What is your main amp, out of curiousity?
@deadpool_25 I generally feel like you, but I still like to read about this stuff and hang out on forums, even though it's not good for GAS.

Majority YouTubers are indeed terrible and exhausting, though. Granted, there are some notable exceptions, like Leon for example - Love that guy!
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I can easily ignore about 99% of amps and pedals coming out as "that's cool, don't need it".

But I'm currently considering buying a used Mark V 90. I just have doubts how it will work with my 4x10 GB cab and whether I would be better off just buying something else. I'm very happy with my Amp 1 tones as is, so I truly don't need the Mesa, and even used ones are expensive.

I'll probably wait until NAMM to see more of the BluGuitar Amp X.
Are you seriously saying that due to the lack of a FAS profiling block you couldn't possibly dial in a guitar tone that's close to your personal amp tone with access to 300 amp models in the box, all the EQ tone shaping tools available and the option to use any IR on the planet?

What is your main amp, out of curiousity?
I´m aware that Fractal models would easily IMPROVE the tone of my amp. And of course it could nail the tone. I´m sure I would need tweaking time too.

I´m not an amp skizo, who wants only his amp and nothing else, if that´s what you´re suggesting. I just prefer to gig with a real amp, and it happens that I just have one amp (a Mesa Boogie Studio22+). Because of it being less convenient than using a modeler (fly gigs, rehearsals, or because of my aching back), I like to have a "clone" of my amp. That´s because I don´t like to feel too different vs using the amp. I feel more comfortable if I can predict the behaviour and not getting surprised by the response of a completely different thing. Not saying it´s worse, or that if it doesn´t nail the tone then I don´t like it. I just want a copy of my amp, easily done just for the sake of peace of mind, and have both interchangeable rigs without feeling different with either of them. And I don´t want to be tweaking and tweaking again. I tried several modelers, starting from Zoom, following by Amplifire12, Helix LT, Mooer MNRS... and the closest I´ve been of getting satisfied was with the MNRS profiles. That´s why I ordered a NC.

Now, did you understand what I was saying? That´s my personal goal, to gig my amp and, when not posible or don´t feel like lugging it around, just having something "identical" but small and lightweight.

Yes, FOR ME, profiling is a must nowadays, just because I like the simplicity it gives. So yes, Fractal or Line6 are "no-go"s FOR ME. When I stopped gigging, I´ll maybe don´t care about profiling and will just enjoy sims and whatnot... because at home I don´t necessarily like a real amp better than sims.

And the UI is another hard pass FOR ME. I know myself, I once had a little trouble in a gig, using the Amplifire12, and I wasn´t able to tweak a thing in a few seconds. Maybe it would never happen again, but I just don´t want that posibility to exist, and nowadays it´s easily solved with a good UI. Why would I spend 2300€ in something that has those factors I don´t like?

That´s my personal case, mate. And it shoudn´t "hurt" anyone, nor be against those of you who would choose Fractal over any other thing. That´s more than fine.
It comes and goes for me but I’ve thinking about this a lot recently. I think it’s just so easy to get caught up in the gear world and lose the forest from the trees. Like wind back the clock 10-15 years and any of the current modellers would be a dream but people get hung up on the most minute details. Software is as good as it gets for now and the amount of free stuff is insane, especially NAM for amp cloning.

I used to wonder about engls, framus, h&k, different mesas, oranges, bogners etc. There’s so much available digitally and so much youtube content out there that you can kind of try things out with plugins or modellers and what you can’t try you can fill in the mental gaps with video content. Feels a bit like the gear world has shrunk which is a great thing really, but the wonder and fomo to try some new amp or pedal is less and less because of it. Only so much innovation is happening in the gear world and it’s all servicing the same task…. Making average guitarists sound better than average 🤣

I find comfort in knowing I can fire up my 5153 amp and not much out there is beating it. I like it when friends ask me for recommendations and I can point them in the direction of a used 6505+, noise gate and tube screamer and they can call it a day. They might like the quad cortex but they read fractal is superior and they’re worried they’ll make the wrong choice…. At this point, just grab what you like and you’ll make it work

I’ll dovetail all of this by saying that GAS used to feel like a necessity to sounding better, but now trying new stuff is just for fun or a privilege. There’s no excuse for sounding bad cause there’s so many affordable/free options. And at the same time there’s no need to hang out for the latest and greatest gear or feel bad that you can’t afford or justify some new amp/pedal… it’s all the same same but different now imo. It’s a nett good thing but it makes viewing gear differently than it did in the past
I´m aware that Fractal models would easily IMPROVE the tone of my amp.
Eh? I didn't say that at all.

I'm not an amp skizo, who wants only his amp and nothing else, if that´s what you´re suggesting

Didn't suggest that either!

Why would I spend 2300€ in something that has those factors I don´t like?

WAT? No way I suggested that you spend 2300€.

That´s my personal case, mate. And it shoudn´t "hurt" anyone, nor be against those of you who would choose Fractal over any other thing.

Neither did I say that. Nobody is being hurt here.

What is going on here? :idk

Let's start again.

Good afternoon. I've made you a coffee ☕ and here's a nice waffle to go with it: 🧇
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This really extends beyond just guitar. Rampant over-promotionism has become excruciatingly fatiguing.

Can I go 5 mins without being advertised to?? Even the streaming companies are largely caving having realized they can double dip that sweet advertising revenue and steadily move us back to the pay-to-be-advertised-to business model that was the reason many left cable and went to streaming in the first place.

As far as guitar gear goes, I’ve settled into a weird place in 2024. I’ve largely migrated out of digital tech into the heavy, noisy, archaic 70s Fender, 80s Marshall, and 90s Mesa tube gear that drew me to guitar as a teen. Even my pedal purchases have been nostalgia buys in some form or another and primarily analog.

This emphasis on the older and more restrictive gear unexpectedly shut down chasing YouTube reviews about the latest and greatest. There will be another AxeFx/Helix and the current best-gen ones we know and love will sit untouched in GCs used inventory for infinity as soon as we get a chance to abandon them. As it’s always been.

2025 is going to be about trying to generate inspiration and creativity with the tools I have, purging the cruft, and hopefully sharpening my craft.

Don’t forget - only 364 days left in the Christmas shopping season, folks.
I'm at the stage in my life where this stuff doesn't bother me much. I've never really been a gear wh*re anyways, more of -- "gradual purchases over a 25+ yr time span" kind of guy. Some years it's been nothing at all except strings and picks. The reality is, most of us have enough quality gear already to last a lifetime, but as humans we're always looking for that next best thing. I do love the availability of great gear these days though. More than anything I've been able to hone in on certain tools and aspects that cater to my needs, and without spending a ton of money - relatively speaking. There's way more flexibility with gear now, it's actually quite ridiculous.

But lately, gear-wise, I feel more focused in on getting/building/fixing guitars to be at their peak performance level for my requirements. I don't want a so so playing guitar distracting me or not getting any use. So my goal has been getting all my current guitars in tiptop shape. That means I've been buying mostly guitar parts over the past years more than anything else gear related. I love tinkering and building things so this brings me joy.

Besides all of this, at the end of the day I just want to be able to make cool music with the tools I have now. If I can't, then no amount of new gear is going to solve that issue.
i talk a good game about not buying anything else lol but not so deep down i want to pull the trigger on a verellen skyhammer and a LPC.

its a hobby. its fun. go talk to golfers or boaters or gun ppl, bet they have stuff they dont need and still want that next one. work hard and all your bills are paid... spend your money how you wish.
Neither did I say that. Nobody is being hurt here.

What is going on here? :idk
I didn´t reply in a bad mood. Sorry if it seemed so, really.

Actually, I know you didn´t say a Fractal would improve the tone of my amp... It was me who said it becasue I was trying to say that, tone wise, I´m sure it genuinely would. That way I wanted to make clear that I´m aware of the quality of Fractal units.

Regarding my own "amp skizo" words, wasn´t talking about it in a bad way. I know many guys in forums that think their amp and tone is over-the-top... and it´s fine, just wanted to clarify it´s not my case.

I just replied your words "are you seriously saying...", which sounded to me like you didn´t understand why I want profiling (and also sounded to me a bit aggresive in a way, nothing offensive anyway), trying to explain that, even knowing what Fractal units power is, my reasoning on why the lack of profiling makes a Fractal unit a personal "no-go", even when it´s more than capable of replicating any tone (or even easily improving it).

I made a review of the options of multieffects, to express that more than sick of GAS, I though noone has all the things I want together in the pack.

Again, it wasn´t in a negative mood, mate.