Anybody else out there think of cuttin’ down to one axe?

Life Eats Life

Hey dude’s, any of you ever get the itch to go down to one axe?
For me, after these seasons
-I do best with broken-in guitars.
I know the sounds that I want and realize,
maybe I have too much wants and not much doo’s?’
-wear these f’ker’s me out…while creating sounds
I’m down to 3 guitars.
The “Triads”
I need a mean-ass shred guitar is what I need fellas🎯
Wait..dopamine fast or something?
-Not long apparently💯
I now have 3, each has it's use.

Could never understand the bedroom players with 17 guitars and 12 amps.

< RigTalk has entered the chat.. >


I play in my living room AND bedroom, so fuck off! :rofl
I'm currently at just one. Over the years I've realised that all of my favourite sounds come from an HSS strat, so it's really all I need. :whistle:
I would like to have a telecaster or something just for fun, but I realistically don't require anything else.
Right now, I could definitely get by with fewer. They pile up over the years as different requirements present (different bands, different tunings, whatever)... And yeah, sometimes for no better reason than, "Ooh shiny!" If I could snap my fingers and have fair market value cash in hand instead of guitars, half of mine would disappear in a puff of smoke. But the reality is they're a PITA to prep, advertise, sell, and ship. Every one of them has some unique story or reason I can't easily get rid of it.

"I can't get rid of this one until I fix it."

"I can't get rid of this one; it's the only one that doesn't need fixing."

(Some of them, I've lost track of who they actually belong to. They just magically appear in my basement sometimes. :idk )

tl;dr - I sometimes think about cutting down to 3 or 4 guitars. But I'm too damned lazy.
No, but I could certainly cut down to just a couple. 95% of the time I use either my Ibanez AZ (a modern HSS Strat style) or my PRS CE-24 (double humbuckers with coil splitting). I have half a dozen other guitars but they don't see nearly as much use.