Love Strangers Things. Watched it together with my son (he’s now 14yo). Remember that scene, how couldn’t i. The producers really went all in on the cruelty there, to make a point. And I don’t mean El’s behavior. I’m fine with that although I don’t advocate violence. The cruelty is what lead to the violence.
Yeah im an introvert, super introvert and shy. It’s one of the strongest personality traits I have. Never abused or hurt by anyone. I guess im the lucky introvert. Of course the standard bullying when I was in middle school… that age… unavoidable. I was an easy target maybe. The standard bullying of course… about body, color, clothes… such things. I think some of my friends that I still have today, they chose me because they really liked me. And probably because I opened the door and let them in. Introverts does not leave that door open for people to pass in and out.
Actually im quite amazed I wasn’t subjected to more racial type bullying as I was one of the few “dark skinned” kids in school back in the 80’a. Maybe it was the fact that I was born here and not really that different except being dark skinned. Most kids viewed me as a Swedish kid I guess. Friends have told me that.
It’s only now in recent years after becoming a father and husband I’ve really dived into what it has meant for me and my life. The typical “oh… im 40, it’s time to realize shit”.
Being a man and introvert is kinda crazy actually. I wouldn’t have survived back in the cave days. Either that or I would have been one of those that sat by the fire thinking a lot and came up with a great solution that enabled the survival of the group.
The “man” thing is important here. I’m not saying introvert men have a harder time than women. It’s just different. It’s just that we men tend to treat ourselves very hard. There’s a lot of stuff that just doesn’t come out that needs to be said or taken care of. Because no one understand us and why we are how we are. We are our own enemy in that regard.
And as
@HomespunEffects said. Being an introvert and musician is even weirder. I don’t think it’s strange that I quickly found instrumental post-rock type of music to be my thing because my mind and body seems to resonate to that whole thing.
Point I try to make. To the people that is not introverts. Being an introvert is just not some minor trait that is charming or can be taken lightly so remember that when you’re in I social gathering with friends. That friend that you have known for a life time, you have known “he/she is a little introverted but it’s fine”. When that person choose to talk or in any way integrate with you, know that you have been chosen very carefully to be granted this type of honor.
I had this conversation one time with my hairdresser. Yes.. I am a man… and I have one hairdresser I go to. It’s been “mine” for 15 years because I choose her.
She once said “what!?!? Are you an introvert??? You are so social and nice and always talk about things”
I said: “yes, don’t you know why? It’s because I choose you and gave you access to me. You are privileged and important”.
This is one of many things introverts can say, but often doesn’t because... it takes to much of us to actually point it out.