Any of you dudes get banned from TGP?..Why?

My advice for young musicians ....Go ahead buy all the gear you want, STAY SINGLE, DON'T GET MARRIED .... Or you could end up like Al Bundy from the old Married With Children TV show or worse .... LOL !!!!
Which forums are in the friendly TGP family? You described exactly what happened to me.

One of the high post counters and "supporting members" took a swipe at me, I stood up for myself and then his buddies joined in to fan the flames. I was banned the next day.

Not going to support that cesspool any more.
The Strat and Tele forums are owned by the same people. Same BS. No ty!
You're talking to yourself.


I got banned again. I have no idea why. I violated the rules, no explanation and bye. I won’t rejoin. I hate those websites where the moderators are so overactive and pulling the trigger so quickly without feedback. How to know what to do better next time?
A lot of times, its a student reporting an incident to the teacher.....Reminds me of a time in grade 5, weirdo teacher was away for a few days, all the guys thought it was a party, me included. Weirdo teacher comes back and student Laurie stand up in class, opens up a little piece of paper, with every boys name on it and what they were offensively doing. :geek:
A lot of times, its a student reporting an incident to the teacher.....Reminds me of a time in grade 5, weirdo teacher was away for a few days, all the guys thought it was a party, me included. Weirdo teacher comes back and student Laurie stand up in class, opens up a little piece of paper, with every boys name on it and what they were offensively doing. :geek:
Kind of like those Fascist Ninnies from those websites .... total little Ninnies, when they get owned .... cry like a beaoch to the Moderator ....TOTAL NINNIES !!!!
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I got banned again. I have no idea why. I violated the rules, no explanation and bye. I won’t rejoin. I hate those websites where the moderators are so overactive and pulling the trigger so quickly without feedback. How to know what to do better next time?
Yeah I just got a week ban, 3 points but no clue what for. I'd had a few drinks but that's not unusual for me so not sure what triggered it and they don't tell you.
Is there actually a point system 😮

Yeah, average infraction is 3 points. Not sure how many a member needs before they’re booted, it’s probably as arbitrary as the mods decision making in assigning points. Last time I was reported there I received 0 points but got a warning, most likely because I commented on someone’s intelligence and after reading the interaction, the mod most certainly agreed with me but a report is a report!
Sounds about right. I received a warning once for quoting John Lennon about the meaning of one of his songs! The mod agreed, but a report is a report...