Any experience with the lower end Jackson Adrian Smith model?


Staff member
GC in my neck of the woods has one of these used in mint condition for $400. It’s got a Floyd Special on it, but if I were to buy it I’d just swap it out for a 1996 or something not-garbage. I’ve not paid attention to Jackson’s at all, so I have no clue what their quality is like on the lower end of things. Anyone play any of these to have an idea if they’re C-POS or not?

I might drive up tonight to check it out, but my chances of walking away with it are much higher if I do that, so I’m kinda needing some to say “They’re f*cking garbage, don’t do it”

Love Adrian. Always been my fave Maiden axe-slinger. Been intrigued by those in the past,
but history has shown me that locking trems and sub $500 guitars is a tough go in the long run.
Replace Floyd. Replace pickups. Now I got $800 into it. :idk

Oh, and this needs to be in this thread.


I have done a lot worse things with $400, though. Haggle and trade in some clutter. Drew walks out
the door with a guitar for less than a couple hundred bucks! :beer
Love Adrian. Always been my fave Maiden axe-slinger. Been intrigued by those in the past,
but history has shown me that locking trems and sub $500 guitars is a tough go in the long run.
Replace Floyd. Replace pickups. Now I got $800 into it. :idk

Oh, and this needs to be in this thread.


I have done a lot worse things with $400, though. Haggle and trade in some clutter. Drew walks out
the door with a guitar for less than a couple hundred bucks! :beer

I should just avoid it, since I still have about 5 other guitars that I intended to ’just fix up to play’ :rofl

It’d end up sitting there in a pile with 2 Strats, a Jackson 7-string, a BC Rich and an OLP Petrucci model that all only need 1-2 things to be completely functional.