Hi Andy, great work on the Tyler. The frets look perfect. Gotta' say that I'm not a fan of the headstock, but I understand that they are great guitars.
I have a question about guitar parts. Back in the 70s I had a 67 Gibson ES-345 that had a trapeze tail piece. Being young and foolish I had the trapeze replaced with a stop-tail piece. I sold the guitar years ago, but recently found the original trapeze tail piece in a box of parts. It's gold plated, shows some wear in the plating, and has the driver's license of a previous owner engraved in the metal. In your opinion, does this have any value? If yes, is there a recommended location to sell it? I'm not interested in making a lot of money off it. Just wondering how to find it a new home after carrying it around for a number of decades. Any thoughts?
P.S. I just checked Reverb (which I should have done before I posted here) and found this:
I don't have the original screws, just the trapeze. Mine may be in slightly better condition overall, but I don't have the screws and mine does have the engraving of the driver's license. So, assuming that they aren't gouging on the price, I guess that this tells me a range. Does $400 seem high to you? Looking at pricing on these guitars, I now wish that I hadn't sold mine. I also had an original 1x12 Mesa Boogie combo that I bought around the same time. I wish I still had that amp too.
Edit #2: I took a closer look at the listing it it's 2 years old. So it seems that $400 is too high. Unless of course your find the right buyer. I'd sell mine for less. Perhaps even trade a pedal for it.