All P&W Fans Unite!


Yeah, no, the real P&W. :beer


Just heard it again after a few years, and brought back the same feelings from the early 90s. I had the cassette, CD and poster. Still one of my favorite albums of all time.
It's probably been 25 years since I've listened to it, but I crammed in 25 years worth of listening the first few years I had it.

I love that record.
Virtuoso. And I am still trying to figure out where Steve's head is fucking at and how
someone hears music like that in their head. :unsure: :love

Poor guy. :LOL:
This was one of the first albums that I bought after I started playing guitar. I've got the tab book somewhere but I don't think I've ever managed to learn more than bits and pieces from it.

The” Pension & Welfare “ tour 🤣
That sounds more like something John Cleese would do!
This is the most of a Vai tune I’ve actually learned, about 90 seconds before making this video and then completely forgot all of it immediately after.
