60Hz hum, P-90s, HX Stomp


I play at a church most weekends with a HX Stomp and a super strat with noise cancelling single coils. Recently I brought my guitar with P-90s and the hum was pretty intense. I get that this happens with P-90s, but I’m wondering if there are ways to reduce this in the Stomp.
I carry one of these with me in my gear bag for gigs if I encounter a 60 cycle hum and have to use one at times dependent on the power supplied where I'm at on the stage.

If it's just normal single coil hum then a gate would be the only option that I know of.
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First, a very good habit to have is to always roll down your guitars volume when you're not playing, I'm still surprised every time I see someone who doesn't do this naturally. If you already do, disregard.

Second, gate will only kill hum when you're not playing, so back to the first paragraph... :p.

What I'm trying to say, when you're dealing with single coils, hum is something that you have to live with, so you do your best to stay on top of it.
That said, nothing hums moe than P90's, they can be nasty to deal with.
First, a very good habit to have is to always roll down your guitars volume when you're not playing, I'm still surprised every time I see someone who doesn't do this naturally. If you already do, disregard.

Second, gate will only kill hum when you're not playing, so back to the first paragraph... :p.

What I'm trying to say, when you're dealing with single coils, hum is something that you have to live with, so you do your best to stay on top of it.
That said, nothing hums moe than P90's, they can be nasty to deal with.
I always turn down when we’re actually playing. It was rehearsals where I was getting side eye from the band and overt anger from the sound guy. We all had a laugh when I turned sideways from everyone else and the hum disappeared.
Easy button - Fralin noiseless p90s…

Or, get really, really comfortable working your volume control constantly.

P90s are murder for noise, it is what it is….

Man I *love* the Fralins I put in another guitar of mine. When I have cash to spend on it, that would be a great solve. Going to make do with what I got and try the Stomp’s noise gate.
My Godin summit is equipped with Fralin noiseless p90
they are amazing
Godin CT 90.jpg
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Another alternative to the Fralin Noiseless are the Fishman Greg Koch Gristle 90's. They sound great but I dont own a guitar with P90s to get more than a "played for a quick test one time" impression
find "mecca."

keep changing the angle at which you are standing so that the neck faces in a different direction (go from north to northeast to east to south, etc.). at some point you will find the hum is much less.