
Do I absolutely need one? No, but I want one sooooo bad.
Marshall 1960BV with G12 Vintage speakers is my dream cab.
Do it! Get one. What’s stopping you. I’m also considering getting a cab for my basement studio even though I never use cabs anymore. I’d like a standing 2x12, like the slanted Mesa or something… I’d probably only use it now and then for fun, but a bonus is the decorative mood a cab does have on a room. They’re sexy damn it!
the decorative mood a cab does have on a room. They’re sexy damn it!
Yes! That's why it HAS to be a straight Marshall cab black tolex + white tubing, a rock history artifact.
Plus it's how electric guitar SHOULD sound in the room or mic'd, and will be very useful for me for speaker swapping and creating IRs.
Hopefully soon.
I already have more cabs than the room can handle, might have too sell the Framus 2x12, I haven't been using it at all since I built my oversized 1x12 cabs which sound better anyway.
4x12 is a great idea until you have to move it.
I just loaned a Mezzabarba 4x12 to a pal who is on tour. The cab lives in my hallway because I loathe the idea of taking another 4x12 down to my basement. He returned it a couple days ago……..it’s still in my hallway and staying there.
A cranked high gain amp through a 4x12 is really something else. That gut punch you get with a palm mute is something else :chef

I don't know man. I have played drums enough with twin 4x12s backed up against a wall and the guitarists chugging
along thinking they are killing it, while I hear nothing but the bloat. It was really bad when Metallica did the entire
scooped mids and hyped treble and bass thing. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry with an half-stack wanted to sound like
that (in other words, like shit!@), and didn't realize how badly their idols were leading them astray.

On a big stage, with enough room foor the cab to breathe, and dialed in properly a 4 x 12 kills. Outside of that
context.... it is way too much for most men to handle properly.

Oh, and they don't make your penis appear larger to women than it actually is. It just distorts the user's sense of
themselves. ;)
Do I absolutely need one? No, but I want one sooooo bad.
Marshall 1960BV with G12 Vintage speakers is my dream cab.

I feel you.
I've bought a 2x12 not a long time ago because I wanted to go back to real cabs.
I've bought it telling myself that a 2x12 was enough but truth is I still want a 4x12.

In the end I regret selling my beloved engl 4x12.

There's no substitute for a 4x12.
I had a 1996 Marshal 1960V slant that I got from Musicmakers new back in the day. It was absolutely killer.

First time my bass player/engineer heard it at a jam, his jaw dropped. So much chunk and punch.
If you get one you will end up with more 4X12's!


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As impractical as they are for a home hack, I couldn’t resist the pull of going to a 412 from a 212. Completely overkill, but there’s no fun in being practical with gear choices.