2024 Do Something Challenge - Season Two - Winners & Get to the Choppa!


TGF Recording Artist

Welcome to the OH-fish-ALL 2024 Do Something Challenge - Season Two Winners thread!
This season had a little something for everyone, including pinecones, raccoons, weird alien abduction squirrel role play squeal-like-a-molested-muskrat soundtracks and more... (Note, that last part was neither encouraged, nor requested, or sanctioned by the Do Something Powers That Be - but Uncle Touchy be Touchin'...)


First things first, let's dive into the wieners list.

As stated in the beginning of 2024 S2:

For this season, we will have THREE CHAMPIONS!
  • One "Original Artist Champion"
  • One "Cover Song Champion"
  • One "Guitar Solo Champion"

In the ORIGINAL ARTIST category, we're proud to announce...


The powers-that-be would like to apologize for not getting to the choppa posting the final standings, so here they are:

Now for the current standings.

@PLX - 30!!!!
@Whizzinby - 10
@FuzzyAce - 7
@Iron1 - 1
@LiveeviL2000 - 2
@spawnofthesith - 1
@Alex Kenivel - 4
@dbagchee - 1
@Sleezy E - 1
@TVvoodoo - 1
@Musicknurd - 1
@aldunk - 1
@LeftyLoungeLizard - 1
@sleewell - 1
@Moondog Wily - 4
@DrewJD82 - 1
@Los-D - 2
@spawnofthesith - 1
@la szum - 1
@TVvoodoo - 1

@Whizzinby - 2
@primeholy - 1
@LeftyLoungeLizard - 2
@LiveeviL2000 - 1
@mbenigni - 1
@Sleezy E - 1
@Alex Kenivel - 1

@PLX - 8

Bandmate Champions


Ok... ok...


When we need to get to the winners, we know how to get to the winners. We don't need AHnold telling us to get to the winners... we can do it without being told to get to the winners.

Anyone seen Boomhauer or Bobby around? How about that squirrel?


You think you have problems? How about getting shot in the exhaust port with a bazooka fired by an angry, fudge-averse squirrel. I mean, know what I mean? Wait...

Weren't we supposed to be doing something... oh yeah!

Getting to the choppa!

Wait... no.

Getting to the winners! That's it!


Bazooka squirrels - amirite?


Got any plans for today?

Oh crap!

Ok, ok, back on track here... sorry... squirrels firing military grade projectile throwers triggers my ADHD...

And you were saying?


What do you mean I was saying?

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot man!

Ok ok... stop yelling. Sheesh... :somean

Where were we...?

Oh yeah... Wieners!

It gives us great pleasure to announce the winner of the 2024 Do Something Challenge - Season Two Original Artist Category!

And the winner is -


Before we announce that, our legal counsel is advising we refer everyone to page 0001 of the original 2024 Do Something Challenge - Season Two entrants agreement, whereby it states "...one artist can only win one category..."

What does that mean faithful listeners?

We'll let AHnold explain:


Ok, that could have gone better... apparently AHnold has a one-track mind...

Sooo... what it means is this: (or is it "thus"? These? No... this!)

With @PLX the undisputed leader of the LEAD category, our Original Artist Winner is:




Everyone congratulate Whizz... then ask him not to Whizz on you IRL, but only via original golden flowing musical compositions exquisitely voided from his talent bladder. Like fine, body temperature Mountain Dew... wait...

Ok ok... on to the next Bazooka Squirrel... err... winner.

The FIRST EVER winner of the 2024 Do Something Challenge - Season Two Cover Artist Category!


Everyone congratulate Lefty! How much lounge can a lizard lounge if a lounge lizard lounges - SQUIRREL!


And, finally, even though he's anything but final cause his proliferation of weapons of musical destruction are proliferating at a prolific rate:

The FIRST EVER winner of the 2024 Do Something Challenge - Season Two LEAD Artist Category!

Not only did Plx generate more solos than anyone not named Han, he also generated more originals than anyone in Do Something Challenge history - and he's also the first TGF Recording Artist to ever win TWO categories, as he's the Season One Champion.

So, let's give a huge round of applause to our champions, @Whizzinby, @LeftyLoungeLizard and @PLX !


Stay tuned for announcements from TGF Radio coming soon!
Congratulations to all participants for taking part! And extra fudgy pinecone inserted congrats to @PLX , @Whizzinby and @LeftyLoungeLizard for their categorically parsed victories!! Super thanks and kudos to @Iron1 for his hilarious and never ending efforts to keep this thing going and keep me laughing!!! Also shout out to @DrewJD82 for his leadership in this projects origin and coverage of the weekly duties when Iron1 is having pine cone inserts being removed due to his bad decisions last week! Music people, it's what it is all about!!! Rock on and create ;~))
Congratulations to all participants for taking part! And extra fudgy pinecone inserted congrats to @PLX , @Whizzinby and @LeftyLoungeLizard for their categorically parsed victories!! Super thanks and kudos to @Iron1 for his hilarious and never ending efforts to keep this thing going and keep me laughing!!! Also shout out to @DrewJD82 for his leadership in this projects origin and coverage of the weekly duties when Iron1 is having pine cone inserts being removed due to his bad decisions last week! Music people, it's what it is all about!!! Rock on and create ;~))