Your Guitars Will Someday Be Owned By Someone Else. Leave A Story or 2 To Go With 'Em?


Rock Star
Over at TOP, reading a relic thread, it reminded me of a conversation I had with @Jambi, when I was wrestling with the thought of selling him my 81 LP Custom Silverburst. I talked about how I don't have any kids to leave my gear to, and honestly I would rather a guitar that, if I could bring myself to play a part in selecting who it goes to, before I die, end up with someone who really wanted that guitar, as opposed to some company that buys estates and such, then auctions off everything, after I'm gone.

And I got a little melancholy, thinking I'd want whomever got my guitars to know a bit of their history. Just like when I'm involved in renovating an old historic home, I wander through the rooms, wondering of all the stories the walls could tell, if they could.

So why not? Why not take some time and write out some of our stories that go along with our guitars, and put them in the case? I mean, how cool would that be for the future owner? I think it would be.

I could tell one of my stories about how I played an outdoor, back-yard party gig as the opening band, and the guitarist in the main band was an older highschool guy, whom I didn't really know yet (we went on to become great friends, and be in a couple different bands together), and I was in awe of him and his playing. He rocked a mid-70's LP Goldtop, and could play Jimmy Page licks like he wrote them!! So I was honored when he asked if he could use my practically brand-new LP as his backup, should he break a string. Which he did, and then put a big old scratch-circle of buckle rash on my prized axe!!! :cuss

Man, did I have mixed emotions on that one! I had worked hard, cutting grass as a young teen to save up for that guitar, it was THE one I wanted, and he carelessly fucked it up for me!

Yeah, I think I need to put that in the case. Anybody else like the idea?
Such a fantastic idea.

I sometimes think about the future of the modifications and upgrades I do to my equipment, which may go unnoticed, may cause someone to be mislead, or may be a pleasant surprise to a future owner.

Your thought about writing up a note made me think about documenting out the changes made, or the strengths found in a certain piece of gear.

Except for that ‘96 Hot Rod Deluxe; I’m leaving that nut un-cracked. :sneaky:
During the Covid shutdown, I actually posted separate videos of me, in my home office, going through each one of my guitars, and telling a story about how/why I acquired each guitar, and it's relevance, etc.

I think it's a cool idea.
I know I want my guitars to go to kids who want to play but can’t afford them. I have no clue how I’ll work that out/find someone I trust enough to make it happen, but that’s the goal. Maybe I’ll just leave a note in each case on their histories.
I don't think most of my guitars have particularly exciting stories. Probably the most interesting one would be trawling guitar stores in Osaka in around 2004 when I stumbled upon my Yamaha SA-1200S. And when I got home I realised it could use a refret and had a twisted neck. Plenty of money later, it's as good as ever.
Even if it's just a story about a certain gig that has a particularly fond memory associated with it...
You never know if the future owner might play a gig at that same place, and if so, I think it would make it extra special that they know that guitar was there however many years earlier.