You know someone shouldn't be using digital when...

Me too, multiple intents really! My first intent is to get a new sound that is very marginally different from the sounds I can coax from my other <insert number> guitars, and which I could probably get very close to with careful eq of what I already have; but perfection is the goal, isn't it? Second, my intent is to keep me busy watching guitar ads while at work, because I don't already have enough to do. Third, to fill room at home, because it is too big and it feels kindof empty. Fourth, to spend my hobby budget; it feels sad to leave it unused as growing inflation will eat it up quickly. Fifth, to feel accepted in an Internet guitar forum where most people behave in the same way. These seem to me all valid reasons to purchase a guitar and they all played a role in the purchase of my (used) Telecaster which I got just yesterday. Do we already have a maple vs rosewood thread on this forum? :unsure: (I went with rosewood).
How Dare You Greta GIF

Dropping truth bombs like that...
Me too, multiple intents really! My first intent is to get a new sound that is very marginally different from the sounds I can coax from my other <insert number> guitars, and which I could probably get very close to with careful eq of what I already have; but perfection is the goal, isn't it? Second, my intent is to keep me busy watching guitar ads while at work, because I don't already have enough to do. Third, to fill room at home, because it is too big and it feels kindof empty. Fourth, to spend my hobby budget; it feels sad to leave it unused as growing inflation will eat it up quickly. Fifth, to feel accepted in an Internet guitar forum where most people behave in the same way. These seem to me all valid reasons to purchase a guitar and they all played a role in the purchase of my (used) Telecaster which I got just yesterday. Do we already have a maple vs rosewood thread on this forum? :unsure: (I went with rosewood).

GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!!! :rofl
If you think the only thing better than half stack is a full stack...

If you were in a gigging bar bad during the Bush administration, the first one...

If you take pictures of funny memes on your computer monitor so you can upload them to

If you think 4 cable method is how your bass, keyboard and rhythm players all use the same amp...

I'll probably think of more...
This threads just reminded me
Of rolling back firmware

User :I just downloaded the latest beta and my preset is really bassy

Community : have you tried turning down the bass or depth

User : nope I am going back to 6.1 until it gets fixed

User: I just downloaded the the beta and I have this cocked wah sounds

Community : check and see if you have a wah block engaged sometime this happens

User; it sounded fine before
I am just going to wait for the official release , rolling back for now