WTF is this ringing??

Alex Kenivel

Rock Star
TGF Recording Artist
I know it's not my tinnitus playing tricks on me. Whenever I palm mute the A string on my Ibanez AZ and pick it, I get this plinky noise.

First, I'm playing on the A, then fret some notes and come back to it. Then I looped the plinky A palm mute and added some narrow band EQ to really single out the issue:

I can notch it out at 1.9 but I can hear it from the guitar with it unplugged. The strings beyond the nut are muted, the spring cavity is packed tight. I have a Tremol-No installed and Graphtech saddles.

What could be the issue here? @Eagle?
Definitely some sympathetic resonance going on there in the key of A.
Can ya touch the strings between the saddle break and where they drop into the slots as you’re playing it? And you’re sure the strings past the nut are effectively muted all the way? The only other thing I could think of would be pickup springs.

FWIW, I ended up packing the springs on my JEM full of tissue paper because even with padding under and on top of the springs they were still ringing.
Tried noiseless springs ?
No, but I've tried this:

Would noiseless springs really make a difference? I've even held the springs while playing and no change.
Other than touching things while I'm playing, I don't know any other way to test the saddles or the saddle screws. Maybe I should restring with the stock saddle and see what happens

That might be the culprit if you swapped saddles. Either the saddles or the saddle screws.
Is it your Trem Arm doing that?
No, I took it out and tightened down the system that holds it in.

I had a little time and changed out the A string saddle back to stock. The D string does it now. I'll probably end up switching them all back. Winter break can't come soon enough!
Other than touching things while I'm playing...

To me the surrounding harmonics sound like a string touching/vibrating against plastic, which would make me wonder if either
A) something is touching a pickup ring/bobbin and making that sound (does it have pup rings? are they fully seated?)
2) as mentioned, the pickup screw(s). It doesn't sound like trem springs or pre/post playing area string noise.
That's either springs in the cavity or the strings ringing behind the nut.

On the reverse headstock on my Kiesel Aries AM7, ringing behind the nut was a major problem and the solution is simply a fretwrap or some foam under the strings behind the nut.