What should I put in my 4u rack? 1u space left

I've got an old TC g major that's been really handy for a lot of things - FX, tuner, amp switcher. I wouldn't get rid of mine as it's got so many uses for me. They're getting on a bit now, but a g major 2 is pretty good for the money.
This. The only effect on the G Major 2 that sounds dated is the reverb. Everything else is fantastic.
In my head I was thinking “cheaper rack filler” stuff, SPX90’s can still be found for somewhat reasonable money and are pretty iconic for guitar. Occasionally PCM70’s come up for quite good prices too and I think those are an absolutely timeless sound
I was just thinking PCM70. SPX90 is another good one.

But really...., BBE Sonic Maximizer FTW! (that's a joke, justincase...)