What Are Your Essential Pedals?

My essentials are:

Tuner (duhhhh, obviously!)
Wah - BB535 and 535Q are my favourites
Delay 1 - This would usually be a reverse delay
Delay 2 - This would usually be a regular digital delay, and come after delay 1
Reverb - This would usually be a hall reverb, set to about 7 seconds.
Tap Tempo - if I'm running dual Boss DD8's for example, I'd have a tap tempo switch that keeps them both in sync

I can pretty much play 90% of my bands material with that setup.
Just throwing some lighthearted jokes, the usual, probably should have used an emoji. :p
Also, I'm curious about the compressor, a long time ago I had a CS-3 and it didn't quite work with EMG's and a Metal Zone so I sold it, that was before I started to listen to good music.
Now I know more about compressors and read that Gilmour uses two for his clean sound and it is a big part of his sound.

I'm curious, how do you use a compressor with an overdrives or fuzzes, it never sounded quite right to me no matter how I tweaked?
I think a little bit of compression can do interesting things with drives where comp -> drive sounds different than the drive alone. But I wouldn't use it if you mainly go for e.g high gain tones.

Which compressor matters. I use the "studio" mode on my Strymon Compadre a lot because it's more of a "a bit more sustain, a bit more snap" mostly transparent thing compared to the "squeeze" mode which is like a Dynacomp.

Dynacomps have a more distinct EQ effect on the sound and are a bit noisy too. I find that sound pleasant sometimes but mostly when using the compressor with at most a light overdrive.
An od that responds to my pick attack and guitar volume
A delay pedal (could squeak by with reverb if I had to)

Two drives
Modulation of some sort
Vol pedal

Two drives
Two delays
Volume pedal

Essential? A single “more button”.

Necessary for me to not feel a tad uncomfortable? Two more buttons (one of which could absolutely be a Wanpler Ego comp, @James Freeman !!)

Throw a tremolo and very simple delay pedal in there if I’m getting greedy.
I'd like to make a change. Essential: guitar lessons/practice. Other categories downgraded as "nice to have" and "if there's room in the bag".
- mid boost for leads (in the loop)
- delay, for leads

Nice to have:
- wah
- overdrive with low cut control
- reverb