What Are You Working On Right Now?

Best lifestyle change I have made in the past year. Seriously! :rawk
I should do that myself. I normally get up between 5-5:30am during the week, would be a nice change to just drink my coffee and play guitar. Not something I've ever done before work.
I should do that myself. I normally get up between 5-5:30am during the week, would be a nice change to just drink my coffee and play guitar. Not something I've ever done before work.

I found I have too many excuses, and far less focus and energy after work in the evenings. I
also have chores and food to prep and make if I want to eat. :LOL:

So getting up and playing first thing in the morning seemed like a good thing to do. I am
not 100% in my commitment and some days I have to pass, but most days I follow through
with this and it has helped both my mood and my chops. Mostly. :beer
I’m programmed to be an early riser.
Unless recovering from a late night.
I believe my mind is fresher and more accepting of learning before the drama of the day ensues.
Outside of songs to teach students/play at cover & fill-in gigs, lately I've been slowly working on:

- Clint Black - Summer's Comin'
- Whitesnake - Bad Boys
- whatever Van Halen stuff strikes my fancy
- I'd like to go back and work on the Master of Puppets record and get my downstroke picking back to where it was when I was 16
- working thru Chris Brooks' Advanced Arpeggio Soloing book

This year I wanted to put an emphasis on expanding my repertoire in two ways: learning the guitar parts to the glut of cover songs I know on bass (been playing bass as a working musician more for the past 15 years) and learning songs I dig, but treating that process the same as if I was learning the song in order to play it for somebody live. This means making a really good chart, dissecting the parts note for note, and dialing in the tone as best I can. For way too long I have put anything I've wanted to work on for myself on the far backburner, treated it as an afterthought really.