What Are You Working On Right Now?

A lot of times you can get by with just a Chord Chart....and/or knowing the key signature of the song.

Season 8 Tns GIF by THE NEXT STEP


When I would do fill-in or on-call gigs in the past there were times I had little to
no prep time and would just go off of Key Sigs and/or Chord Charts. Even to the
point of making my own.

There's a lot of different music you can do that with, too. Even with a lot of Jazz
(no Jazz head) you just have to know the head, the changes, and then blow. Or
hang back and comp. It can be an hell of a lot of fun----when it is not hella stressful. :LOL:
I never used charts, because I always played originals.:annoying

Well, I did use tab once at a wedding, it was a Bach piece the bride wanted played so I did. Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring. I learned it by sighting the tab beforehand, but take the tab away and I'd been lost.
The Enemy Inside intro riff.



The thing I really have to work on is the string changes. 1 note on a string, then right back to the adjacent string is one of the most difficult things for me, so I've just set the metronome slow, and kept at it.

My thinking is this riff will work my palm mutes, and those types of string changes, since they happen in so many other solos.

Usually I start on a downstroke, which in this case means every string change is an outside one. Inside string changes are more natural for me, so I'm also practicing this starting on an upstroke.

And I have a killer tone (Axe III) dialed in for this too. For some reason I just added a Quad Chromatic Detune @ stock settings, and it made the notes even clearer than just using the FAS Boost Drive Block. Just stumbled on it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I can play certain 16th note riffs at this tempo, so if I can get the string changes, I think I can get this one. But what I'm more interested in, is how it will translate to other stuff. It's definitely one of my weak areas.
The Enemy Inside intro riff.

I think I can get this one.
Hmmm, maybe not. This is SO much harder than a "scalar-type" riff, where you have time to work across the neck. I started at 75 and went up 5 bpm and reached 105 before it started getting a little loose.

If I really want this (and it is a killer riff), I'm going to have to work on a few 'chunks' that are starting to trip me up. Which is fine.

The cool thing about this riff are the notes where he unmutes the palm mutes. Getting that tight, gives it a very cool "bounce."
Hmmm, maybe not. This is SO much harder than a "scalar-type" riff, where you have time to work across the neck. I started at 75 and went up 5 bpm and reached 105 before it started getting a little loose.

If I really want this (and it is a killer riff), I'm going to have to work on a few 'chunks' that are starting to trip me up. Which is fine.

The cool thing about this riff are the notes where he unmutes the palm mutes. Getting that tight, gives it a very cool "bounce."
Tear it up, son! :rawk
Man that's hard riff to play fast. I pushed it to 130 bpm, stumbled all over it, but could play pieces of it, separately. But then when I backed it down to 115, I could just about get through it, and keep up.

Still a far cry from 146 though!
Man, Ritchie doesn't sound a lot like Zakk----but they sure use a similar recipe.
EMGs, boosted JCM800s, and an always on Chorus. :unsure:

Lot of fun working on some of those Priest tunes from their last album (1/2 step down,
even for the Metal God!). Shows how you can use the same/similar setups and get
a different vibe altogether. That's something else it sounds like Ritchie does---use a
Uni-Vibe based effect before the amp. Same with the Chorus. :chef
Trying to work on this solo:

Progress so far:

I've got the parts pretty much memorized but really trying to slow it down and build up speed so I can clean it up - I have a long way to go. Any tips for approaching this? I have a really hard time when the phrases don't end evenly on a bar, so just lose my place. I'm hoping by starting slow it will help.
Working on getting a better handle on BeBop scales.

Finding it’s kinda fun to combine them with Dorian to throw in a little redneck jazz flare
What's bebop? Can you post a short tab?

It’s essentially one added tone to a standard scale. The bold tone is the added one:

Major = 1 2 3 4 5 #5 6 7
Minor = 1 2 b3 3 4 5 6 b7
Dom 7 = 1 2 3 4 5 6 b7 7

The cool thing is that if you’re playing over a ii - V7 - I progression they all line up:

dm (ii) = D E F F# G A B C D
G7 (V7) = G A B C D E F F# G
C (I) = C D E F F# G A B C

You always play so the added note lands on an upbeat.

Here’s a bad pic of some examples from an Aebersold book:
