What are you listening to right now ?

No idea why. But the Algo recommended this. I have never listened to this era because the 80's and Phil Collins and that haircut :oops:

Musically it's interesting but man did they do a right turn when they changed singers. Not sure what to think of it. I'm sure it's a reaffirmation of my bad taste but lord :oops:

Acquired taste has yet to be acquired. :LOL:

Kind of nuts to think how mainstream Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins, and Genesis would all become given
where they were at during the time of that VERY theatrical live show. :idk
There’s a lot I can appreciate about that older Genesis, in the same way I can appreciate Zappa while never really ever feeling like listening to it and almost being annoyed when I hear it. :rofl

There’s some prog that gives me a “Just get to the fucking point and knock off all the goofy shit” feeling. I can totally understand the revolt that brought the punk era in the 70’s, despite prog being my favorite kind of music.
Man, it's too bad some people's taste in music is not evolved enough to appreciate the sheer and utter genius of some
artist's work. :hmm

Sorry. Just channeling some pretentious assness. :LOL:

I missed that one! I will have to expand my Shrapnel Records collection. I thought I had the most notable ones.

While I was listening it I thought: I have to cover this one! So I've found a backing track:

But before I've even started, I've found someone that plays it better than I may do, and is more camera-friendly than this old man 😅
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