What are we drinking now?

I’ve got two more to try 👍
I recently drank peppermint schnapps because a friend insisted on doing so, while we were having a girl's night out. It was ok. I won't like to drink it again.

I don't like any kinds of drinks in general. I am more into milk and fruit juices. It was the first time I drank something like that since 2019 probably.
I am drying my "Drank alcohol my entire adult-ass life" out. :facepalm

At this point I know what it feels like, and I have tried every kind of beer
there is to try. Just not tasting (or feeling) as good as it used to. Maybe
I have drank my lifetime allotment.

This and knowing I am pressing my luck at my age has me drying out
for a bit.... or more than a bit. Time will tell.

Not preaching or converting. Just sharing. :beer
I am drying my "Drank alcohol my entire adult-ass life" out. :facepalm

At this point I know what it feels like, and I have tried every kind of beer
there is to try. Just not tasting (or feeling) as good as it used to. Maybe
I have drank my lifetime allotment.

This and knowing I am pressing my luck at my age has me drying out
for a bit.... or more than a bit. Time will tell.

Not preaching or converting. Just sharing. :beer

I quit drinking six years ago after a solid 25 years of abusing alcohol (since I was 12). Phenomenal decision, would recommend 10/10. Been years since I've even had the urge. PM me if you have any questions or want to chat about it :cool:

Been drinking a lot of coffee, right now some store bought Caribou beans. Then I'll get back to some of my new favorites, there's a couple local roasters but I love Dogwood coffee, roasted a few miles from my house, I can get them at my local grocer, and they have the roasted date right on the bag and usually pretty damn fresh.

Otherwise I like green tea (regular and decaf). Also lots of sparkling water and occasionally diet soda via Sodastream.

For NA stuff, I occasionally enjoy a can of NA beer, there's so many good options. I like the taste and it helps me feel relaxed. Big fan of Athletic Brewing and there's some hoppy stuff too like Brooklyn Brewing. It's great to see so many options nowadays.
Thanks, Jarick! Appreciate that. :cheers

Hope I didn't come off like some binging College Co-Ed! :LOL:

Just had more than my fair share of the booze. Right now NOT drinking
alcohol feels reckless and rebellious! :rofl
Not trying to dissuade, but watch out if you are going from heavy drinking to "Cold Turkey". Prison doctors, for instance, are more worried about heavy drinkers than heroin addicts (Theodore Dalrymple, for instance). I've known a few in my life who went dry after years of alcohol abuse and were dead in a few weeks.

Just be careful when sobering up is all - the benefits are doubtless worth it. I should myself. But there's a Carolus Classic in the fridge - and damn the world is bearing down on me from all sides, my fingers are tired so no guitar...

I'm good. I drank maybe a 12 pack a week. Probably not high enough
volume to even be considered a decent quitter.

Apparently, I come off as a glaring alcoholic on this Forum, though. :oops::wat

An inappropriate memory just popped up. I recall a friend of mine going to an AA-type meeting on Court order for drunk driving, and he described many tearful confessions from people clearly in distress, and he was thinking his goal was to drink that little!
Not trying to dissuade, but watch out if you are going from heavy drinking to "Cold Turkey". Prison doctors, for instance, are more worried about heavy drinkers than heroin addicts (Theodore Dalrymple, for instance). I've known a few in my life who went dry after years of alcohol abuse and were dead in a few weeks.

Just be careful when sobering up is all - the benefits are doubtless worth it. I should myself. But there's a Carolus Classic in the fridge - and damn the world is bearing down on me from all sides, my fingers are tired so no guitar...

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Yep, get in contact with your doctor.
Everyone wants to have fun, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Consuming any substance which can cause an addiction is like playing with fire. All of us have to deal with some pain, sadness, disappointment and/ or frustration. It takes a person with a very strong mind not to use such a substance to forget the issues we have.

I don't wanna preach anything. Just sharing that from my experience as a former addict. I wasted almost a year of my life doing nothing and ruining my health. I have been sober for several years now.

Drinking is fine if it's occasional and you have a strong mind, so that you won't get kinda carried away.
Well, I broke my rule. Our singer has gotten into distilling liquor and now
brewing beer at home. He brought one of his beers to practice last night, and
insisted I try it. It was one beer. It was ok. Pretty good for an homebrew.

Didn't make me want to drink 6 of them, though, so that's good. :LOL: