What’s going on here? (Strings)


Rock Star
I’ve been using the same round core pure nickel strings for over a year now (Stringjoy Broadways). This week I put on a set of Orbiters which are hex core nickel plated. Roughly the same gauges except the low E is a .046 on the Broadways and .048 on the Orbiters.

I noticed during the show that the response to changes in the volume knob are much different with these strings!

The volume and sustain drops off much quicker as I roll back the volume knob. I kind of know where I set my volume knob for certain songs, and all of them were off. I had to be higher on the knob for every part where I’m rolled off.

Is this because the round core has more mass? Or does pure nickel have more mass? Or is it maybe something to do with the coating on the Orbiters?
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Yes … lol

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I can’t say for science… I can just imagine all sorts of variables

Universe Expanding GIF by Motherboard

Haha, well yeah, I suppose that makes sense. They are all variables.

I'm hoping to pull some info out of this that will help me find the right strings for me. But I'm starting to think maybe the things I like about the round core pure nickel strings are also the cause of the things I don't like about them. I like the way they sustain and respond better, but I don't like how big and boomy they are on the low strings. But those things probably go together I'm thinking
theoretically i imagine the round core strings have less space between the winding and the actual core. think about an actual hex core and winding something around it. in between the six corners, you will have some dead space between the windings and the core. the round core should have way less/no space. so theroretically i imagine that means you actually get more mass/metal on the same gauge of string, all other things being equal.

not sure how that affects tension, because i don't know my physics well, but anyone who does might be able to explain whether more or less mass tuned up to the same pitch should be slinkier or more tense/taut.