"Blues" in general isn't hugely appealing to me. But when well-done, it can be quite interesting.
I was at a Nascar race in Darlington, relaxing in the RV. A few rows over, I heard a band start playing. It was all blues-based, but it was good stuff, I could tell they were well-rehearsed, and the music, while being all originals, held my interest. Not something I'd have bought a ticket for, but I liked what I heard.
But it wasn't until maybe the third song that I realized each song was essentially I-IV-V. Once I noticed that, I started to pay closer attention, only to hear the next few songs were also based around a I-IV-V chord structure! I was pleasantly surprised that a band could stay completely in that progression, yet write some really good songs! It was a sort of, lightbulb-over-the-head moment for me.
Learned something new that day.