Vox AC15C1


Rock Star
Anyone used one of the newer Vox AC15C1 amps (with the Greenback)?

Any feedback on how they sound at lower volumes and with pedals?

There's one down at the local shop at a decent price used, and I've wanted an AC15 for nearly 20 years. Don't have any decent amps currently, and seems like the kind of amp that you'd keep around for a while.
Anyone used one of the newer Vox AC15C1 amps (with the Greenback)?

Any feedback on how they sound at lower volumes and with pedals?

There's one down at the local shop at a decent price used, and I've wanted an AC15 for nearly 20 years. Don't have any decent amps currently, and seems like the kind of amp that you'd keep around for a while.
That's my buddy's main amp. Sounds fantastic with pedals, though it's not a "transparent pedal platform" amp. But yeah, takes drives/fuzzes really well.
Anyone used one of the newer Vox AC15C1 amps (with the Greenback)?

Any feedback on how they sound at lower volumes and with pedals?

There's one down at the local shop at a decent price used, and I've wanted an AC15 for nearly 20 years. Don't have any decent amps currently, and seems like the kind of amp that you'd keep around for a while.

My Buddy has one paired with a Princeton (12" speaker) that he runs with pedals out front for dirt/mod/delay.

Sounds glorious. They can be a bit bright on their own (which can be good or bad depending on
the musical context. I had one and struggled getting enough warmth out of it with pedals. Fairly
jangly --- but you won't chug or rock too hard with it no matter what pedal you run in front.

Also, you are incurable, dude!! :LOL:
If it’s the one with the cut control, they’re ok. The earlier ones without the cut control, forget about it IMO.

The one I had was HEAVY for a 1x12 combo, like absurdly heavy for what it was. You may or may not care about that. I think they used MDF for the cabinet which is why it’s heavy, not because of big iron or anything like that, but I might be wrong.

The spring reverb in mine was the worst spring reverb I’ve ever heard, virtually unusable.

I’ve considered picking up another one if I found a crazy good deal used and sending it to Lyle Caldwell (Psionic audio) for him to work his magic on it.

Pedals in front of a top boost channel can be tricky. Lots of OD pedals sound like hot garbage in front of it. The hotcake was my go-to when I needed that. I also had to clip the bright cap out of the circuit. Barber direct drive worked pretty well as I recall too but it struggled when the bright cap was in the circuit.

I wasn’t that happy with mine and eventually sold it despite loving vox tones historically, the amp just didn’t live up to what I wanted it to be. This was an earlier model though. I clipped the bright cap and ran some lower gain nos preamp tubes. That got it to where I was happy enough to use it, but not happy enough to keep it long term.

Like I said, if I revisit these I’ll probably ship it straight to Lyle and see what I think once I get it back from him.

I think they’re fantastic! I’m a big AC15 fan.

The c1 I thought was a big improvement over the original cc1.

I actually like the greenback better than a blue in these amps. It’s a great match.

The master volume on Vox amps works really really well, low volume shouldn’t be a problem.

Pedals are tricky because there’s a lot of personal preference, but I love the way all Vox amps respond to pedals! They give them a lot of character.

A lot of people think the AC15 is a small AC30 but they’re really totally different amps. AC15s are janglier, more raw, and have more attitude while AC30s are more polite and refined and a bit smoother.

Sorry for all the disjointed thoughts, this post looks like it was written by AI :rofl
@la szum off of your meds? Wtf dude?
What can I say? Guess I am not a fan/supporter of the homosexual insinuations. Just seems unwarranted. :idk

And if it is a joke, or I am reading it wrong, then I guess we have different senses of humour.
JFC dude. There was ZERO homosexual insinuation. My friend that has the AC15 is obsessed with Local H, and at times before he met his missus, he seemed to rather spend time going to Local H concerts than chasing ladies.

As for defaulting to being a flaming C*ck time and time again, I still have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Best I can tell, you're extraordinarily thin-skinned, I guess. We're having this continual conflict that's very one-sided, apparently.
If I read it wrong then it is my bad. Not gonna clutter up someone else's thread with a beef.
Back on topic (although I also love Local H and have seen them several times)...

That's my buddy's main amp. Sounds fantastic with pedals, though it's not a "transparent pedal platform" amp. But yeah, takes drives/fuzzes really well.

How I'm seeing it would be dialed in fairly clean with a bit of color, and then use my handful of pedals out front. Kind of set and forget. Only problem is I don't know if it needs to be cranked up to sound good.

My Buddy has one paired with a Princeton (12" speaker) that he runs with pedals out front for dirt/mod/delay.

Sounds glorious. They can be a bit bright on their own (which can be good or bad depending on
the musical context. I had one and struggled getting enough warmth out of it with pedals. Fairly
jangly --- but you won't chug or rock too hard with it no matter what pedal you run in front.

Also, you are incurable, dude!! :LOL:

Yeah I know, I know...but I really don't have any real amps and it's intriguing. I've got some neat pedals now but I honestly don't really like the Catalyst that I've got so I don't use it as much.

I've got the Cat 60, a Yamaha THR10, and a couple extra sets of cheap studio monitors I was thinking of bringing in to trade for a decent little combo amp.

If it’s the one with the cut control, they’re ok. The earlier ones without the cut control, forget about it IMO.

The one I had was HEAVY for a 1x12 combo, like absurdly heavy for what it was. You may or may not care about that. I think they used MDF for the cabinet which is why it’s heavy, not because of big iron or anything like that, but I might be wrong.

The spring reverb in mine was the worst spring reverb I’ve ever heard, virtually unusable.

I’ve considered picking up another one if I found a crazy good deal used and sending it to Lyle Caldwell (Psionic audio) for him to work his magic on it.

Pedals in front of a top boost channel can be tricky. Lots of OD pedals sound like hot garbage in front of it. The hotcake was my go-to when I needed that. I also had to clip the bright cap out of the circuit. Barber direct drive worked pretty well as I recall too but it struggled when the bright cap was in the circuit.

I wasn’t that happy with mine and eventually sold it despite loving vox tones historically, the amp just didn’t live up to what I wanted it to be. This was an earlier model though. I clipped the bright cap and ran some lower gain nos preamp tubes. That got it to where I was happy enough to use it, but not happy enough to keep it long term.

Like I said, if I revisit these I’ll probably ship it straight to Lyle and see what I think once I get it back from him.


I think this is a newer one. I was watching Psionics videos recently actually and saw his endorsement.

Good info on the pedal thing, that could be make or break for sure.

Problem for me is that I really dig the sound of a JCM 800 on the edge of breakup, but that's not really ideal at lower volumes!

I think they’re fantastic! I’m a big AC15 fan.

The c1 I thought was a big improvement over the original cc1.

I actually like the greenback better than a blue in these amps. It’s a great match.

The master volume on Vox amps works really really well, low volume shouldn’t be a problem.

Pedals are tricky because there’s a lot of personal preference, but I love the way all Vox amps respond to pedals! They give them a lot of character.

A lot of people think the AC15 is a small AC30 but they’re really totally different amps. AC15s are janglier, more raw, and have more attitude while AC30s are more polite and refined and a bit smoother.

Sorry for all the disjointed thoughts, this post looks like it was written by AI :rofl

I'm intrigued by the Greenback for sure as I generally love 25w IR's. Played it before at the local shop and dug it. I'll head out and play it again in a bit...
Mod hat real quick- Nearly everyone on this forum was invited here because you're good people. If you see something that could possibly be taken offensively, before jumping to the "F*CK YOU!" button, take a second and read it again in a sarcastic tone and see if that's more in line with the overall feel of the forum. 99.9% of the time, sarcasm is the answer.

Back on topic (although I also love Local H and have seen them several times)...

How I'm seeing it would be dialed in fairly clean with a bit of color, and then use my handful of pedals out front. Kind of set and forget. Only problem is I don't know if it needs to be cranked up to sound good.

Yeah I know, I know...but I really don't have any real amps and it's intriguing. I've got some neat pedals now but I honestly don't really like the Catalyst that I've got so I don't use it as much.

I've got the Cat 60, a Yamaha THR10, and a couple extra sets of cheap studio monitors I was thinking of bringing in to trade for a decent little combo amp.

I think this is a newer one. I was watching Psionics videos recently actually and saw his endorsement.

Good info on the pedal thing, that could be make or break for sure.

Problem for me is that I really dig the sound of a JCM 800 on the edge of breakup, but that's not really ideal at lower volumes!

I'm intrigued by the Greenback for sure as I generally love 25w IR's. Played it before at the local shop and dug it. I'll head out and play it again in a bit...

Only one way to know, and if you’ve been jonesing for a Vox it’s probably worth some time with the amp to see if it’s your thing or not.

How I'm seeing it would be dialed in fairly clean with a bit of color, and then use my handful of pedals out front. Kind of set and forget. Only problem is I don't know if it needs to be cranked up to sound good.
I don’t think it needs to be terribly loud to get a great sound. Not exactly bedroom volumes though.
When my wife taught music, one of her colleagues retired and gave her a wall of amps, the best of them being an AC15C1. Pretty heavy. Needed some new preamp tubes and it was off to the races. It gets louder than I'd ever need and has that mean jangle when driven. :chef

It's been sitting in my closet for a while but sounds great coupled with HX drives.
When my wife taught music, one of her colleagues retired and gave her a wall of amps, the best of them being an AC15C1. Pretty heavy. Needed some new preamp tubes and it was off to the races. It gets louder than I'd ever need and has that mean jangle when driven. :chef

It's been sitting in my closet for a while but sounds great coupled with HX drives.
I'm not quite sure which is louder, but I think the AC is like my OR15; despite being 15w, being class A just makes it a really loud fucking amp, if you want it to be. It's a great sound though.
Owned one..tried to like it…didn’t work.
spikey treble..(or to dark with those mitigated), didn’t take pedals well at all…and very little headroom for a 15w.
No efx loop, heavy for a 15w…not my amp ;-)
they look cool though ;-)