FWIW, we don’t know if Karlis at Amalgam made the NAM and Tonex captures
@BenIfin used/compared here at the same time with the same excact setup and conditions, do we?
My impression is that his Tonex and NAM captures often are made and/or released at separate times.
This could be a source of differences between the NAM and Tonex captures as well.
(Edit: I didn’t jump in here to «defend» Tonex or anything. I don’t question whether NAM is more accurate. And I’d wish both had better aliasing performance.)
By way of clarification - this was all confirmed by Karlis [AmalgamAudio] at T.O.P when he started to release his DI only sets:-
=> its always the same Amp
=> each Tonex and NAM Capture have the exact same settings
=> he does not use a Load Box of any kind
=> he taps of the Speaker so the Amp/Speaker Impedance is baked-in to his Tonex and NAM Captures
So in short, they are going to be as close to 1:1 as you can get.
Having said that, the differences are not really tonal - to me - the top end in the NAM Captures is clearer and cleaner and the mids in the Tonex Captures are more congested. If you have a matching set, just set up a tone with the same capture for each and turn it up to loud/gig levels - its really not hard to hear at all.
After much time trying to dial-in the Tonex Captures to sound like the NAM Captures, I just gave up as I could never get there even though that was what I really, really wanted to do ie: use Tonex not NAM.
ie: you cant add high end definition if the frequencies just aren't there and you can cut mids all you want, but the baked-in congestion does not go away - EQ is great, but it cant add or remove what's baked-in, or not baked-in to the core tone.
Not only is it quite obvious [to me] as you A/B them at increasing volumes as I have done -but- run a Tonex or NAM "dirt" pedal Capture into them - I use the
Sultans of Stomp Marshall Bluesbreaker Pedal Captures [brilliant by the way] - and the Tonex Amp Captures gets very-very mid-heavy very quickly, whereas the NAM Captures respond pretty much as you would expect.
Maybe I've got shit hearing - maybe I've got Jesus ears - I don't know

- but I know what I hear and what I prefer.
As always - each to their own.