What started me on this is that for the last 3 months I have been running an IPad Rig with Nam and Tonex and an IK iRig Pro Interface, Wah and Midi FSW's.
Was using Tonex iOS for Tonex Captures and Gigfast Lite for NAM Captures.
Hardware wise, the system is rock solid with seamless capture changes / spillover / efx switching all at 48k / 32 Sample Buffer - in short, whatever latency is there is "un-feel-able".
I use the *exact* same Amalgam Audio Tone King Tonex Captures and the *exact* same Amalgam Tone King Nam Captures - the are both captured at identical settings.
So I have one group of presets running via Tonex and one group running NAM to decide which way to go.
Once set up - with identical settings all round - 2 things were very clear after a day or so of A/B testing
=> the NAM Captures had audibly clearer, open and less constricted high-mids to highs
=> the Tonex Captures were audibly thicker and more congested in the mid-range
I thought nothing of it and just set about to EQ the Tonex Captures to match the NAM - no problems.
In short - no amount of tweaking / gaining etc.... got the Tonex patches to sound as good as the NAM Captures - and I spent a *lot* of time trying
I wont lie -
my upfront very strong preference - was to want to stay with Tonex iOS as the CPU hit is 1/3rd that of NAM - hence why I spent so much time trying to get the Tonex Patchs to sound like the NAM Patchs.
Then I gave up. I just could not "fix" the difference and didn't know why.
Then quite recently DLC loaded his Aliasing Program and I started to wonder - based mainly on Cliff's comments about how poor the aliasing *can* be on AI/ML based Captures. took me a while with DLC's help to use it right but eventually got there.
In short, the tests above and in my other post visually confirmed the differences I could audibly hear.
They just don't sound and feel the same - so Tonex iOS is no longer on my IPad M1 rig.
Its totally solid - and am not hesitating to use it live.
F.w.i.w - this is the rig on my studio desk - very compact and light as well:-