Thinking about moving to a 2 amp live setup…

ive been trying to run 2 amps and 2 cabs live but i refuse to bring 2 cabs so ive been trying to approach the other guitar players playing that night with us and asking if i could use their cab for our set and they could use mine for their set. i even offer up my quilter and lehle aby box if they need it.

hardcore bands are like fuck yea that sounds awesome. metalcore, deathcore dudes are generally not interested or make some excuses for not wanting to which is fine.

My plan was to just tell my drummer to grab the cab I leave at his house when he’s loading up for shows (half the time drums are backlined anyway). It’s pretty light as far as cabs go and he’s easily bribed with high abv beer and weed :LOL:
Never :LOL: but out of curiosity, how would that help?

An alternative solution that was proposed on another forum to split the loop and live guitar without bringing two amps/cabs was to use my captor and IR loader. Run my "live" signal path amp into captor and thru to cab. Then, pull my rc500 out of the amp fx loop entirely, and instead place it after the dry line out and into the IR loader (has a balanced output) direct to the board (loops only obviously)

That sounds less fun and sexy than two amps, but certainly easier. I can test this out in a fairly low effort manner at my next practice to see what I think. My IV is in the shop right now but I'll test out my other thought too once its out
If I understood what you want correctly:
With a click of a button you switch to a path with preamp of ampB in the efx loop…and record a loop with that…send that to return of …whatever 1 or 2 amps you want….or cabsimmed straight to the board..choose your poison ;)
Switch to another path (while the looper keeps running)…and do your usual stuff using preamp of ampA.

You will have degraded the QC to an expensive footswitchable mixer ;)

Currently I’m 100%digital into tube power/cabs…but when I have an “analog” itch again..I’m pretty sure the QC would remain on my board to “handle some s#€t” ;)
My plan was to just tell my drummer to grab the cab I leave at his house when he’s loading up for shows (half the time drums are backlined anyway). It’s pretty light as far as cabs go and he’s easily bribed with high abv beer and weed :LOL:
So the solution to gear hauling problems is:

1. My weed farm brings all the drummers to the yard.
2. Damn right, my weed is better than yours!
3. You can haul my amps, or I have to charge.
That’s the way I’ve rolled for years.


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I’ve kind of tossed the concept around in the back of my head for a while, but now with two marks it’s almost starting to make sense…. Maybe lol

I do a ton of live looping with my band, sometimes things can get a little mushy with multiple loops and me playing at the same time. my idea is to reroute one of the outputs on my RC500 to go to the FX return of the other amp. I’m thinking mark V for what I’m playing and mark IV power section for the loops. Seems like this might provide a bit more clarity in sound, and while the concept of bringing two amps might be irritating to a sound guy, seems like giving them more control over the layers might actually be a plus in their eyes for mixing.

The only unfortunate thing is that the irc500 is currently routed to send our click track out. That would have to be sacrificed to make this work. That said, the band has already been tossing around the idea of getting a midronome to function as the master clock/click, so not too big of a deal

Am I being crazy or missing something here or does this sound like a reasonable concept?

Aside from being a pain in the ass bringing double the gear :LOL:
Like Gary Clark jr