The Pickups Thread

See, I never was happy being like everyone else.
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What did you have going on in 1984?

I was 16 running a 1972 Super Bass with everything on 10 except mids on zero. Try adding a Rat to that. I was convinced it sucked. It actually did suck in that context. Swapping it for an EMG81 was a good move.
This rig is awesome. When I was 16 I think I was playing a Crate. :facepalm


I’m glad to hear you were all tone kings at 16. Me, I didn’t know anything except that i needed more distortion.
I love the Rat and will evangelize its awesomeness, but concede it’s not right for every scenario. It ESPECIALLY does not love bright caps.

Can also confirm there was no distortion that was enough distortion when I was 16.
Never liked the Rat, it managed to add fizz and take harmonics out of your tone. Had a white face vintage one back in the day and kept trying it over the years but it’s still crap.
Not much to look at but this is the crap I pulled out from the Gibson.


I really dislike low output PAF pickups in the bridge, it just doesn't sound right.
After installing the "Hot Rodded" JB/Jazz set I actually want to play my LP instead of tweaking various boosts in the AxeFx to make it sound passable.
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Not much to look at but this is the crap I pulled out from the Gibson.

View attachment 36557

I really dislike low output PAF pickups in the bridge, it just doesn't sound right.
After installing the "Hot Rodded" JB/Jazz set I actually want to play my LP instead of tweaking various boosts in the AxeFx to make it sound passable.
I assume they are Burstbuckers?

I had a JB in my Knaggs but I actually preferred it split coil. I replaced with a 78 but I get what you mean not needing various boosts etc
Not much to look at but this is the crap I pulled out from the Gibson.

View attachment 36557

I really dislike low output PAF pickups in the bridge, it just doesn't sound right.
After installing the "Hot Rodded" JB/Jazz set I actually want to play my LP instead of tweaking various boosts in the AxeFx to make it sound passable.
I’m surprised you can’t get those to sound good considering all the amazing stuff that was recorded on paf output pickups . The only reason people wanted higher output was because amp gain was somewhat lacking back in the day .
I’m surprised you can’t get those to sound good considering all the amazing stuff that was recorded on paf output pickups . The only reason people wanted higher output was because amp gain was somewhat lacking back in the day .
I kind of agree with @James Freeman though. There’s a lot less range in the BB1 & 2 almost to the point where the volume in your guitar may as well be an On/Off switch.

Personally, I don’t care about Vintage tones. I’m only after good tones. I really despise smeary pickups with no note separation but that’s somehow desirable to a lot of folks.
I've done very little pickup experimentation in my guitar-playing life. I had a PRS SE CU24 about a decade ago, and I swapped out the stock pickups for a SD Custom 5 and Jazz set. I always liked that guitar and how it sounded and only sold it to contribute to my Majesty purchase.

I did take advantage of some pickup sales over the holidays. I bought a DiMarzio Fortitude/PAF set for my orange HILS and a DiMarzio Titan set for my blue HILS. I haven't had the opportunity to install them yet, but perhaps this weekend. I also bought a Planet Tone American Metal set for my Squier 40th Tele. Those haven't even arrived yet. I think Planet Tone operates on like a 3 month lead-time.
I did take advantage of some pickup sales over the holidays. I bought a DiMarzio Fortitude/PAF set
They were recommended to me when I was looking for a pickup but they seem hard to come by in the UK, so ended up getting a PAF Pro and really like that pickup.