The "Helix for bass" guetto... I mean, thread

I had the Sansamp bass driver irl and I agree it’s one of those pedals that “always just works”. Now with the Stomp, the SVT model is that sound for me. I try the different options, but then pull up the SVT and barely adjust anything and it just works.
Also personally, I totally disagree. I find horizontal mouse movements to be one of the most cumbersome things ever. Just compare for yourself whether you can do more exact up/down or left/right movements. For me it's up/down all day long. Which is why virtual mixer faders are fine but the HX ones aren't. Also, IMO vertical mouse movements correlate a lot more with scroll wheel action (but hey, that's completely messed up within HX Edit/Native anyway...).
Whatever, as we can see, people have different preferences. So why not do that justice and offer user defined switching between horizontal faders and knobs that can be adjusted with vertical movements?
I do agree it wouldn't be a bad idea to have the option to flip the faders vertically. And no, I don't always like knob based plugins (most are), some are better than others. Sliders are always a nice change, horizontal or vertical.
I was being a bit harsh. :grin
They're not horrible, just kinda looks like Atari compared to Nintendo. :rofl
Which is amazing!!

outrun 8 bit GIF by kotutohum
Well obviously for something like that.

Sure. And this is precisely what I'd love HXE/N to look like. I want to see more than the controls of one single block at once. It's making sooo much sense to see, say, a boost, a drive, an amp, the cab section and, say, an EQ simultaneously. Editing via HXE/N is a clickfest of the highest magnitude.
Sure. And this is precisely what I'd love HXE/N to look like. I want to see more than the controls of one single block at once. It's making sooo much sense to see, say, a boost, a drive, an amp, the cab section and, say, an EQ simultaneously. Editing via HXE/N is a clickfest of the highest magnitude.
Any change is a click no matter what. Functionally both designs work. The one you posted is not something I'd like to see using Native. That's appropriate for a synthesizer although still cumbersome. In the grand scheme of things I doubt most want a plugin that resembles a cockpit control panel but I get there are some that do. Having a way to build a personal control panel in HX is not a bad idea, but how far L6 is willing to go with that?
My go to bass patch is the G cougar with a clawthorn drive on parallel path before the amp so I can blend in grit to taste. Cuts through great.
I find it can cover the majority of the toans I'm after (woody blue & SVT-4 are honorable mentions)

...and knobs only belong on analog outboard gear... you know, for fingers... not mouses
Any change is a click no matter what.

Within HXE it's "click to select, click to adjust". Within Zebra it's "click to adjust". That's 50% of the clicks (of course assuming you want to edit multiple blocks within a patch). Mathematically, Zebra wins.

That's appropriate for a synthesizer although still cumbersome.

Take a look at S-Gear. Do you think it's cumbersome?
Take a look at S-Gear. Do you think it's cumbersome?
Not really, but those are individual plugins? Native is one plugin/console with tons of different amps/cabs and effects. I'm not sure of the technical behind that but it seems like it'd be resource hungry plugin to try and modify the interface to that degree -- where every amp and effect has its own panel, graphics, etc. I really like the basic slider approach that HX uses, and it's less distracting. Metalurgy would be L6's take on the approach and it's fine but honestly I prefer working in Native. I also have TH-U and it is a similar approach but it's a pain in the ass compared to HX.