The amp model that most modelers are missing out on

Boudoir Guitar

Rock Star
The lowly Blues Jr. is seriously, seriously under rated in the digital modeling world where it's hyper easy to pipe the thing through a cab worthy of its tonal nuance. So good.
Cracking Up Lol GIF by MOODMAN
The TMP (IIRC) and GTX have one - and players rave about it :oops:
The Fat version, into the 4x12 rumble cab in Fractal land is srsly :chef

Since it's often hard to know when I'm being deadpan and when I'm being serious, I will note that I started this thread in all seriousness. Dr. Z or somebody should srsly just steal the circuit, build it well, and put it in a decent sized box with a good speaker. Would be the next BooTeek wonderkind
I had one of the early ones and it sounded boxy no matter how I tweaked the tone knobs. Just harsh boxy mids. I haven’t tried the later versions though, and I know people say they improved them.
I had one of the early ones and it sounded boxy no matter how I tweaked the tone knobs. Just harsh boxy mids. I haven’t tried the later versions though, and I know people say they improved them.
I've always found them to sound boxy irl. I chalk that up mostly to the very box sized cab. The digital modeling world makes it really easy to sidestep that problem.
I'm more of a fan of the Pro Junior. I load it down and run through all sorts of IRs quite often. The way that little box sounds in the room and under a mic are totally different circumstances.

I've got some patches dialed in with the Fractal Blues Junior that are cool.

Never got along with the Amplitube versions, probably because I wasn't sending enough level into the models.
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I've always found them to sound boxy irl. I chalk that up mostly to the very box sized cab. The digital modeling world makes it really easy to sidestep that problem.
My refence being another small amp…it’s size makes it boxy indeed….but…
When you place it in a bass heavy spot, like a corner …or turn it around (silly ain’t it)…you mitigate some of that.
In a live setting…it might even be an advantage..that little amp has always worked great as long as the volumes weren’t nuclear.
In a stereo setup together with a bigger cab…it’s volume knob is my “give me definition control”.

So..imo..unless you are into heavy music…and amp with a size like that might be worthwhile having almost because it’s boxy qualities ;)
The cool thing about Helix and of course Fractal, even if there isn't a particular model, you can build a good approximation with what's available. I have an old Traynor YGM-3 that I've tried to mimic best I can in HX and it's doable to a point. The YGM has a Baxandall style eq so that makes getting all the nuances difficult though.