Testing the Axe FX III Matchless D30 Model Legacy vs Dyna vs IR


Haven't turned on the Axe FX III lately so I did an update and thought I would check out the Dyna Cab and the Matchbox model.

I noticed I had many IRs in the Axe that I had been working on. One was made with Matchless amps in mind so I thought I would do a comparison.

First clip is the Legacy cabs 2×12 Matchbox2 -R 160 B AB and 2×12 Matchbox2 -L 67 C AB.

Second clip is Dyna-Cab 2×12 Class-A 30W Condenser and 2×12 Class-A 30W Ribbon.

Third clip is the IR in this product, LRS Matchbox V30 Sparkle.

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Trying now with Helix Native:

Helix stock cab was a dual speaker 2x12 Blue Bell with 414 and a 2x12 Jazz Rivet with 121.
Haven't turned on the Axe FX III lately so I did an update and thought I would check out the Dyna Cab and the Matchbox model.

I noticed I had many IRs in the Axe that I had been working on. One was made with Matchless amps in mind so I thought I would do a comparison.

First clip is the Legacy cabs 2×12 Matchbox2 -R 160 B AB and 2×12 Matchbox2 -L 67 C AB.

Second clip is Dyna-Cab 2×12 Class-A 30W Condenser and 2×12 Class-A 30W Ribbon.

Third clip is the IR in this product, LRS Matchbox V30 Sparkle.

1 was fuller and still sparkley.. 2 was flat and dead sounding 3 was similar to 1 but less full ness and thinner to my ears in fractal