New today... SuperFortress! If you're gonna bomb, do it up right! Double stitched, goes to 61" if you are a low-hangin'
orangutan-armed guitar guy. BTW, today happens to be the anniversary of Steve Clarke's passing. 24 years ago. :-(
Also, this weird (but very comfy) mongrel/hybrid I call "Prowler."
Raised Leopard velvet on black with metallic ribbon monstrosity!
Both nicely padded, mostly fabric straps, strong leather ends, 3" wide.
Today I think a Well-Hung record was set. I posted a new listing for the new "GeoMatrix" early afternoon. Within seconds, it got snatched-up and will be heading to Cali tomorrow, probably a less-troubled zone. What a nightmare for so many, and all that insurance madness? OMG. I run a wood stove up here for home heating, and there's a lot of chatter on future regulations and insureability. Unless you have that eff you money, uninsureability can make a place unliveable.
Anyway, it's good and bad on the strap sale. Good for the quick hit for me, which is the end goal, but bad in that now by showing these finished pics, nobody can get it. Well, actually you kind of can. More on that later. But first a couple of pics.
Crafted of 4 oz vegtan. 42-56" working length, 2-3/4" wide, lightly padded. I did go with the off white almost cream stitch, and it sings.
There is a beige/gold tweedy lining, not real slippy, not real grippy, kind of neutral.
Ok, it sold off fast, but you can still get one, or something much like it, or even better if you wish.
Over the past two days I have been working on something new. After much hesitation, I have gone and opened up an Etsy store. I'm not going to offer too many things there, only some of my premium custom ordered "bespoke" things. I don't want to risk inventory mess-ups between platforms because almost all of my wares are short run, or one-offs and I'm the first to admit I'm not the most organized guy around.
Four items in there so far. ZERO followers, ZERO sales. Perfect record! - No way it can get worse from here
So, this "GeoMatrix" was my first crack at it, but it can be made similar, in various bursts. Blue, Red, Purple, Green, HoneyBurst, CSB, '59 style or solid dye colours. Please, also don't expect a bang-on match to your
"2014 Bourbon-Laced August Sunset Tea in the SouthWest While Wearing Birkenstocks Burst" or "
The exact purple of the '68 Deep Purple Debut Album Cover" because dye on leather is rather unpredictable - it's not like paint, you can't just pick a pantone. How dye sets depends very much on my mix, the hide, how the clearcoat saturates the colours, my wife's mood, the stock market and the politics on that particular day, etc. Again, I will do my best, and I've been at this for a while now.
Also available with a back-buckle "Class Act" design, choose none, light or medium padding, or strap width. And because it was my first try, I figure the next ones will likely be improvements, I suggest you allow me to NOT do the exact same pattern unless you are extremely risk-adverse. This also available on Reverb, or direct if you wish. Reverb is better. If you don't like any of those options, you can wait for one to show up on craiglist, FB marketplace or your local store. LOL!
I wanted to show you something else, but I can't find it, maybe tomorrow. duh!