Title Changed to what Humbuckers?

Well as Expected None to Be found here In my Neck of the woods, sent Long and Mcwait an E-mail
I expect they will not disappoint with, "Oh yes we can order it but you may get it sometime in 2024"

Canada? What color are you trying to get?
Howdy all gearheads, seeing as I really not gelling with the Tonerider in the bridge position I've been contemplating on and off to swap
Them out and well there have been many contenders, I'm am leaning more towards the Thornbucker and was just wondering if any have had experience with them


I've been using the Thornbuckers for years and love them. If you're after a really balanced and sweet sounding set of vintage output pickups, they are excellent choices. If you like hotter more modern sounding pickups, probably not for you.

I typically find most humbuckers to be a bit dark especially in the neck position, and I find most single coils to be too thin and bright, especially in the bridge. So I tend to favor lower output bright sounding humbuckers (especially in the neck) and higher output darker sounding single coils.

Anyways, the Thornbucker is medium-low output for a humbucker and has great clarity. The neck position has some single coil qualities but still has that humbucker warmth and the bridge position is more balanced sounding and tries to round off the harshness some low output bridge pickups can have. I think they did a great job with the set overall.

Compared to something like a Duncan 59 set, the TB neck is going to have less bass and a little more midrange, and the bridge will have a little more midrange and slightly smoother highs. Compared to the Dimarzio 36th, the TB neck is a little lower output and noticeably clearer sounding and the bridge is also lower output and less aggressive.

Which Toneriders are you using now?
In the Neck AlNiCo II Classic which I really like , Bridge is the Birmingham in which in not crazy about why I just want to replace the bridge
Did you find the bridge pickup too bright? Or what was the issue?
The midrange is not quite right, low end I'd kind of flubby and the high are not quite dynamic as I'd like
I can say that I love my Fralin P90's both neck and bridge
I will also be looking to swap out my 3 Seymour Duncan's in my Charvel DK22
Just to throw another choice into the mix, the Dimarzio Transitions are pretty great as well. I have all kinds of pickups including Wolfetones, Thornbuckers, Dimarzio 36th, Dimarzio Super Distortion, PRS Dragon II, etc. I have the Transition in the bridge of a Custom 24 along with a 36th neck and it’s a great pickup. Much less compressed than the Super D, a little more output than the 36th and Thornbucker but not crazy hot. Very organic and ballsy sounding but cleans up nicely. I slo bought the neck version because I like the bridge so much but so far I haven’t tried it. I am sure it is great though and the bridge is super cool. Don’t be afraid of the ceramic mag, it it a very sweet sounding hot PAF style pickup.
I have a Thornbucker and Thornbucker+ in my Suhr Modern. Love the guitar, and the pups are nice, but far from my favorites.

They are quite bright, so they cut through the mix extremely well, and when split offer up some tasty cleans, but I prefer something like a Seymour Duncan JB or Custom with a little more of a mid-focus response.

As for other Suhr pickups, I really like the SSV neck and SSH+ bridge pups in my Strandberg.

My tired old ears know what they like, so you may have a different / better experience with them. They are still in my guitar and I play it often, so I guess they can't be all that bad. :grin

I'm replying to my earlier post because my opinion of the Thornbuckers has changed for the better.

I now firmly believe that these pups are intended for use with a hot rodded plexi amp circuit. Since acquiring my Ceriatone KK50 the Thornbuckers are my favorites through this amp.

The overt brightness, which was over the top through my Mesas , adds another dimension to the thick plexi gain. :chef

And wow, they sound incredible when paired with the Kingtone mini fuzz. Thick, dripping, luscious waves of silver. 🌊
I just replaced my Thornbuckers with the below pickups and it has prevented me from selling my Suhr guitar.
Best sounding pickups I've had in this guitar. Was a little worried as the bridge is high output for me but I it worked out really well.

So.... I'm thinking for my Ibanez I'd like the Super Distortion
And for my Revstar II either the Dimarzio PAF Pro or.. One of those famed Bare Knuckle pickups so many rave about
Maybe the Blackdogs they seem to be a good fit
Revstar will be mostly for classic 70's rock
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