Some Masterbuilt (not bater) Porn For Today

No, it's Ice Blue Metallic.

In person it looks more blue than the photo shows.

Because the clear nitro coat over the color has been aged.

:beer :beer :beer

That’s awesome. I’m partially colorblind and when colors are ‘on the cusp’ of not being there I have a really hard time picking up on them, but I can see just a hint of blue on the edges. And I love aged nitro, natural or not.
Counterfeit. If this were an actual Cruz it would have…….aaaaaah forget it. They’ll cancel me next too.
You're kidding...right?

I'm sure I missed the joke?
Yea you must have.

*edit* Im sure your guitar is genuine. I just know better than to jest about hot button items in this cancel culture society, especially after Cruz himself was cancelled right out of Fender. To quote the immortal Jim from blazing saddles……..

“What did you expect? Welcome, sonny? Make yourself at home? Marry my daughter? You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know . . . morons”​

Yea you must have.

*edit* Im sure your guitar is genuine. I just know better than to jest about hot button items in this cancel culture society, especially after Cruz himself was cancelled right out of Fender. To quote the immortal Jim from blazing saddles……..

“What did you expect? Welcome, sonny? Make yourself at home? Marry my daughter? You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know . . . morons”​

All good and I need a brain tune up to LOOSEN up. :beer
All good and I need a brain tune up to LOOSEN up. :beer
A few years ago I gave 20 bucks to a cops gofundme who was terminated behind a use of force incident (AFTER being acquitted) and the donor list was public. These lunatics for about a week emailed and called anyone I’ve ever even said hello to from my past telling them how big a scumbag I am for my support. I got calls and texts from people I haven’t heard from in months or years. Even former employers!
A few years ago I gave 20 bucks to a cops gofundme who was terminated behind a use of force incident (AFTER being acquitted) and the donor list was public. These lunatics for about a week emailed and called anyone I’ve ever even said hello to from my past telling them how big a scumbag I am for my support. I got calls and texts from people I haven’t heard from in months or years. Even former employers!
These misguided social misfit warriors & supposed do gooders need to be rounded up. Life is hard enough to live without this BS nagging us at any time..........................especially decades later.