Some composers are sadists…


Rock Star
Came across this in a show I’m prepping for. Not too fast (~120bpm) but this is palm muted with high gain distortion… and it needs to be played quiet under dialog… and it’s basically just me playing… and if there is ANY inconsistency everyone hears it.

During rehearsals it’s been stretching out for what feels like hours. My arm feels like it’s gonna fall off! :rawk


For anyone not familiar, VAMP means we just keep repeating this until the actors finish the scene. We wait till we hear the cue line to go on. So I have to keep playing that as long as the actors choose to drag out the scene.
As you start feeling fatigued, take it up an octave for 4 bars, then another for 2 bars, then another for 1 bar, and do a 1-1/2 step bend, and let both notes on the e & b ring out and a create a huge cacophony of dissonance. Hit a high harmonic and do a dive.

That'll teach em to drag it out!!

(And just use your wrist.) :rofl
Came across this in a show I’m prepping for. Not too fast (~120bpm) but this is palm muted with high gain distortion… and it needs to be played quiet under dialog… and it’s basically just me playing… and if there is ANY inconsistency everyone hears it.

During rehearsals it’s been stretching out for what feels like hours. My arm feels like it’s gonna fall off! :rawk

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For anyone not familiar, VAMP means we just keep repeating this until the actors finish the scene. We wait till we hear the cue line to go on. So I have to keep playing that as long as the actors choose to drag out the scene.

On the plus side, at least it is only two notes. :idk Trem pick that motherfucker, Eddie!! :rofl
Haha, my first thought was now I know what it feels like to be this guy (with slightly different fashion sense)

This instantly brought to my mind ...a bizarro Iommi.... because he's a righty, all glammed up...maybe part of a slamming worship band from the south!

And the whole catalog is all anti Sabbath based albums ...oh man stoned mind.
On the plus side, at least it is only two notes. :idk Trem pick that motherfucker, Eddie!! :rofl

Actually I think it would be easier if it was more notes. When you’re just playing straight 16ths on one note you have to be so much more precise because any inconsistency/variance is really noticeable. What keeps getting me here is keeping the transitions between the two consistent