So I built a 212/115 cab

There a hand full of vintage cabs with 15's that'll pop up every now and again. Not too much out there in current production. Only ones I'm aware of are...

112/115 made by Emperor Cab.

And this one from Friedman.
There a hand full of vintage cabs with 15's that'll pop up every now and again. Not too much out there in current production. Only ones I'm aware of are...

112/115 made by Emperor Cab.

And this one from Friedman.

Wow, that Friedman is intriguing (own a Friedman 412) but damn it’s hard to cough up that cash on a roll of the dice. (Selling cabs is hell on earth)

Would be pretty cool to try a 215 or 212/5.
JFC 102lbs?!?!?!?!? WTF Dave! :rofl

I’m hiring a Sherpa to get it in the house.

That Friedman cab is the matching cab for the Butterslax amp. I sooo want one to go with my amp but its fkn huge and is a back breaker lol.