Shut off the Helix Rack audio interface?


TGF Recording Artist
Over the Christmas break I tried, unsuccessfully, to upgrade my Scarlet audio interface from a Gen 1 2i2 to a Gen 3 2i4. In the process of that, somehow I clicked the wrong thing and now whenever I turn on my Helix Rack, everything defaults to the interface in it. Then I have to go into my DAW and tell it to use the Scarlet instead of the Helix.

Definitely first world problem, but oh so annoying.

I've googled it to death trying to find a way to make it stop doing that, but no luck. Anyone have a suggestion as to how to disable the Helix Rack audio interface? Or at least stop it from "taking control" whenever I turn on the Helix?

Same here.
The DAW is prioritizing the Helix instead of my Focusrite ASIO drivers.
As a workaround I unplug the Helix USB, open my DAW so it only sees the Focusrite, only then plug the Helix USB.
Yes, extremely annoying.

I too wish to disable the Audio Interface functionality and only allow USB for Helix Edit and updates.
As a workaround I unplug the Helix USB, open my DAW so it only sees the Focusrite, only then plug the Helix USB.
Unplugging USB on Helix that often!?

New Project.jpg
Found a good solution (Windows).

Suggested by PierM in this thread:

You could try disabling the Helix Audio in the Device Management, under Sound, Video and Game Controllers. This should allow you to use HX Edit, but unloading HX ASIO.

You can also enable/disable Helix as a sound device from Windows Sound settings. But it realy should respect the audio device you select as source for audio and also in DAW should not change it if a new device comes online.
Create an aggregate device using both and make sure the Scarlett is first in line. That way you could use either if you wanted
The Scarlet. As soon as I turn on the Helix, it overrides the Audio in/out in the DAW (GarageBand).

Try this:
With both devices connected, open GB and go to the audio settings. Select your Scarlett there. This should already do the trick, but in case it doesn't, open GB with just the Scarlett connected, then connect the Helix. A dialog could/should pop up. Say "no" and check "don't show this dialog again".

Create an aggregate device using both and make sure the Scarlett is first in line. That way you could use either if you wanted

That's not too great of an idea. While aggregated devices can be immensely useful, they come with some caveats.
- Cumulated latency of both devices can't be lower than the value of the slowest device. And regarding latency, the Helix' interface part is doing an incredibly bad job (worst of its class, really), hence you would as well spoil the decent latency numbers of the Scarlett.
- Aggregate devices cause some extra CPU drain.
- You could run into some syncing errors.
Try this:
With both devices connected, open GB and go to the audio settings. Select your Scarlett there. This should already do the trick...
When I do this, it just defaults back to the Helix the next time I turn it on. case it doesn't, open GB with just the Scarlett connected, then connect the Helix. A dialog could/should pop up. Say "no" and check "don't show this dialog again".

Just did this and didn't get a dialogue box. Back to square one. :rofl :idk
When I do this, it just defaults back to the Helix the next time I turn it on.

That's quite weird - it should stick to the last selected device as long as that device is available.

Just did this and didn't get a dialogue box. Back to square one.

Hm, maybe it's not happening in GB but in Logic only.
But you could check here, in case you've accidentally clicked "ok" before (sorry, can't switch to English as GB is always using your OS language):

That's quite weird - it should stick to the last selected device as long as that device is available.

Hm, maybe it's not happening in GB but in Logic only.
But you could check here, in case you've accidentally clicked "ok" before (sorry, can't switch to English as GB is always using your OS language):

View attachment 4285
That looks like it did it. Thanks!
I’d love a way to turn off a helix that’s connected to the computer without crashing the computer.

Disabling it as an audio device in device manager helps but not always