Scallon Schecter

Yeah, I guess you’re right. And I know i sound like a “get off my lawn” old guy, but it just seems crazy. Now - some are real musicians and it’s a new world/platform for them to expose their talent to others, so good for them. But some of those YouTubers/influencers…i don’t know man…
There’s definitely a number of them I can’t handle :LOL:
I actually dig Rob though, and he’s a Chicago boy.
I'd probably sell my Agile 8 string and replace it with a Robby 8 string if I still played original music. It would be a level-up, even the aesthetic is closeish
There’s definitely a number of them I can’t handle :LOL:
I actually dig Rob though, and he’s a Chicago boy.
Yeah I haven’t really followed him but have heard him mentioned. As a result of this thread, I watched a few of his videos. xertsinky seems like one of the hood ones - talented, knowledgeable, and not annoying lol.