Power amp shootout for my Helix LT (sorry no audio or video)

Bob Zaod

Rock Star
So over the last few weeks I have been trying 3 different amps (one of them much longer than 2 weeks) to find the best candidate for running into the return or power amp in for the hybrid rig I use for gigs and rehearsals, and there is a clear winner even though it's not the one I wanted to win LOL.

The amps I tested at gigs and rehearsals are

Newly acquired Katana MKII head through either a 2x12 of V30's or a 4x12 of V30's and G12T-75's in 100w mode
Newly acquired Marshall DSL40c combo through those same cabs and by itself with stock speaker or V30.
Line 6 Spider Valve 2x12 MKII by itself (2x V30's) and also into the V30 2x12 with all 4 speakers going

Spider Valve was a clear winner.

Clarity, thump, dynamics, you name it the thing just smoked the other 2. By itself with it's stock V30's it just plain rocked and all it did adding another 2x12 of V30's was add more thump and chunk. I didnt bother running it into the 4x12 because that's just not something I'd run at a gig. Believe it or not the Katana was the runner up in this use case. I may switch between the two for gigs because the Katana is definitely a good amp for this application. The DSL40c (gonna sound crazy I know) only really shined with Marshall type amp blocks. One thing I will say is that it made the 2204 Mod amp block sound and feel way better than it ever has through anything else. However I have really become attached to the Mark and Recto amps in Helix LT now that I am the only guitarist in every band I am in. Just so much fatter and carries the band better with just the 1 guitar, running those through the DSL40c took away the fatness even when cranking the resonance knob. Big surprise again the 6L6 loaded amp sounded way better for the Mesa amp blocks than the Marshall or Katana.

I intend to do the same testing with my newly acquired Headrush MX5 but I bought that mostly for one bass player friend to go direct. I have dubbed around with it a little into the Katana but nothing else yet.

I dont think there's any special sauce about the Spider Valve that makes it so good for this application so I may try to find a 6L6 powered head sometime soon for running the Helix LT to the return or power amp in. I really think it's just matching the typical power tube compliment of the modeled amps because the EL34 powered Marshall performed better than the Spider Valve with Marshall amp blocks and vice versa for Mesa stuff. I know Mesa stuff can run EL34's too but TBH I have never had one that sounded as good with EL34's as it did with 6L6's or 5881's. Might hunt for one of those Mesa rack power amps like the 2/90 or similar.

Bottom line is when I play I am grinning ear to ear it sounds and feels so good. At the risk of sounding selfish, I think I also enjoy being the only guitar player in a band a lot more than being in a 2 guitar band. I feel much freer and more in control of the overall sound of the band.
Interesting conclusions, and I concur. I switched bands about a year ago, my last band wasn't a 2-guitar band, but we had keyboards, lots of backing vocals, and once in a while, horns, so, I gravitated towards the Marshall sound side, to cut through, etc.

Now, my band is a smaller 5 piece, and I'm the only/main guitar source coming out, so I've gravited more towards the Mesa end of things, and I don't worry about it.

Something to think about: getting a simple 6L6 power amp to run into a cab, instead of a full amp, if you're not going to use the preamp section of said amp.
Power amps are the biggest goldilocks ever. When you find one that works; stick with it.

RE: 2nd guitarists: Find someone that knows their place in the band and in the mix. That is not an easy task. I play leads in my band from time to time but I am absolutely not the lead guitarist.

Same I am more of a co-guitarist when it comes to playing solos and it limits the song selection a bit but I have had the worst luck with other guitar players. They either have a shit attitude or shit tone or both.
Same I am more of a co-guitarist when it comes to playing solos and it limits the song selection a bit but I have had the worst luck with other guitar players. They either have a s**t attitude or s**t tone or both.
I have been blessed over my band career. The guitarist I've played with the last 7 years(?) is the best co-guitarist ever. Great attitude, great ear, BEST bandmate you could hope for.
helix is very power amp dependent. i have tried several different ones and tend to prefer tube to ss but i would like to try some different options. i think its def possible to get great tones with SS power amps but you have to dive more into all the different parameters deeper into the amp block and mess with EQs more and it seems like with tube power amps they just sound great straight away which is helpful to me so its worth lugging around the heavier amps. i do still bring a quilter as a backup just in case.


I STRONGLY suggest to watch The Modeler Wars series. https://thegearforum.com/threads/the-modeler-wars.52/

I dont think there's any special sauce about the Spider Valve that makes it so good for this application so I may try to find a 6L6 powered head sometime soon for running the Helix LT to the return or power amp in.
You might want to look out for a DT25/DT50 head, as this may well be the perfect solution for your needs.