Please post your own odd, compound or mixed meter tunes here


Hi ya wonderful Eddie Van H wannabees. Would you like to collect a session with a lousy keyplayer/percussionist?

We are going for non-4/4 signatures (unless shuffled), that is odd or compound meters. Do you have any of your own you would like to share then plz do.

As to signatures allowed, note that I do not consider a shuffled 4/4 a straight forward 4/4 because the subdivisions will actually be pushed toward 12 or 24 and not 8 or 16. So if you got some shuffle or swing this will do. So will a Waltz. Likewise if you have a tune where parts of it is in 4/4 but it alternates between other signatures it is welcome too. However, a syncopated 4/4 is still a 4/4, so being funky won't help it turn into something else.

I will start by posting some examples and hope you will chime in with yours.

10/4 -> 10 vs 8 polyrhythm (when the flute kicks in)-> 10/4

5/8 -> 5/4 -> 5/8



6/8 -> 4/4 -> 6/8

Freya's peace and happy music making to all of ya

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Cool stuff! I love me some odd meters and I wasn't quite expecting the folk vibes so that was cool!

My band has a few tunes with polyrhythms against 4 here and there and some of the newer material we (especially my bsss player) has been working on are in a number of odd time signatures

Here’s a demo track of one of mine in 7, pardon the drums, programming nor playing them is my forte

Here's an experimental track I did earlier this year, using bits of an old radio program. Sherlock Holmes. :rofl

7/4 for the main sections. 9/8 for the bridge parts which I tried to mimic being in a spinning roulette wheel. :grin


That is really awesome and pro sounding to me.

If anyone is making Black/Death Metal exploring the wasteland between odd measured guitar riffs and white noise, you are very welcome in this thread too. Black Sabbath started everything for me back in the days, so I am very receptive to Metal.

Okay, here are some more from me.
Below is a 6 vs 4 polyrhythm, though a subtle one because it is heavily biased towards 6/4. The 4 is marked by the dotted toms and the cello to the right, which follows the 4 in contrast to the guitar to the left, which follows the 6. Everything else stays in 6/4. However, towards the end, you will hear some strings to the left enter a 2 vs 3 polyrhythm taking advantage of both meters.

Here is another 7/4 that gets a little tricky in the last part where you will hear a pair of cellos counter the 7 by a 3/4 + 3/4 + 8/4 mixed meter figure.

I think 5 is my favored odd meter. In Denmark we have child songs in 5/4 and there are many things you can do with this meter with completely different flows. Here are two (also check Jotuns posted above). The latter is from a One Synth Only contest (Reason Algoritm ). Its a FM synth, and though not the best tool, we managed to squeeze our style out of it. We did not win, though ;-D
