Pantera 2022


Staff member
The 15 year old in me is giddy!

While I did expect Zakk to be a little more spot on with the solos, I don’t think Dime is looking down in disappointment! Stirling, Pantera’s engineer live and in the studio, has been helping out with the gigs, he made a post last night from up on the stage saying, “Well, I stand corrected. The haters were right, no one is going to enjoy this. No one is getting behind this. This doesn’t honor Vinnie and Dime at all. NOT!!!” GTFOH!!” along with a video from the rafters of the stage with the audience going apesh*t.

They nailed Vinnie’s drum sound!!! Obviously phone videos aren’t the best best tone delivery system, but listening on some good speakers, some of the videos sound pretty damn good. The low end balls brought me right back to 2001 and seeing Pantera, though there are plenty of bands who are technically “heavier”, no one sounded as heavy as those guys to me and it still sounds heavy AF.

Phil is REALLY surprising in this! He’s definitely playing it safe, dude‘s screaming less than he did in the 90’s, but his voice is pretty much in a perpetual state of jacked up, so it works!

(Note Rex’s Gibson endorsement with the wall of Mesa bass cabs behind him….can’t hear the bass for sh*t, dude needs his Ampegs!)

If this is just the first show, I can’t f*cking wait to see them in 2024!! They’re only going to get tighter!
i mean yes it sounds good but fuck it makes me feel old.

where the fuck is this shit. look at them going ape in the vid below and the vids above they just kinda stand there. thats the shit i love about seeing live music. also i hate that everyone has their phone out like a dork and i know thats most shows nowadays and i just hate it. get rowdy and mosh for christsakes - live your life for one hour without a gd screen. last show i was at if i tried to get my phone out it would have been crushed in 2 seconds by either the pit behind me or a crowd surfer and i had an absolute blast aside from being sore for 2 days after haha.

they sound great. i am happy you are happy to see them. not trying to be a curmudgeon even if it sounds like it. i am happy that they are playing music instead of not playing music.
i mean yes it sounds good but f**k it makes me feel old.

where the f**k is this s**t. look at them going ape in the vid below and the vids above they just kinda stand there. thats the s**t i love about seeing live music. also i hate that everyone has their phone out like a dork and i know thats most shows nowadays and i just hate it. get rowdy and mosh for christsakes - live your life for one hour without a gd screen. last show i was at if i tried to get my phone out it would have been crushed in 2 seconds by either the pit behind me or a crowd surfer and i had an absolute blast aside from being sore for 2 days after haha.

they sound great. i am happy you are happy to see them. not trying to be a curmudgeon even if it sounds like it. i am happy that they are playing music instead of not playing music.

Hahahah well that was literally 30 years ago and before all the crazy health issues these guys have had, everyone but Charlie has been on the verge of death due to the abuse they’ve done to their bodies. :rofl And sh*t, didn’t Charlie have some health scare in the last 5 years? I can’t remember.

The phone stuff drives me nuts, too. Someone said something about this on a Blabbermouth comment to which someone replied “Just let people enjoy the show how they want to”, to which I replied “That’s the juxtaposition of it, one person holding a phone above their head enjoying the show is blocking the view of someone behind them watching with their eyes”….and surprisingly, he agreed! Normally they just call me a boomer when I say that. :ROFLMAO:

I think the only people crying about it being called Pantera are the ones who really enjoy getting butthurt over Blabbermouth articles while also refusing to acknowledge what anyone from that camp has said about it. :banana
I have never read anything from blabbermouth so I don't know.

Cash grab is all it is and it's sickening.

I watched the videos and I must say that zakk does a better job than I thought he would.
I love Pantera.

This is nostalgic and fantastic.

Not the quality of Pantera from the prime. Reminds me of many performances when it's just for kicks rather than your career depends on it.

Was magical to see Dime perform back then.

Thanks for posting!
The comments from some, who think they are obligated by law to spew their "expert"
opinions as to whether this is legit or not, make me realize there is an actual reason
that "musicians" have earned such a sketchy reputation from the general populace.

Yes, I can't stand some of them either. ;) Mostly because they are so full of their own shit,
due to the notion that plucking a few strings on an instrument somehow earns them and
their opinions more credibility. :facepalm


They can do what they want. I don't see where they had to have a permission slip signed
by Mommy and Daddy to get the ok for this. In a world where live music is challenged
and live guitar music even more so, I have no idea why some would want this to not happen.
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All above being said I think this sounded ok.

Still was WEIRD AF to hear that stuff being played and to hear Phil singing it and Rex on bass but to KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt because of my ears that it wasn’t Dime and Vinnie.

Go out and get your $$ but damn, that whole thing weirded me out.